AramcoBrats, Inc.

Formal Meeting Minutes

Because ABI board members reside all over the country, it conducts most business via email. To make it possible to follow multiple conversations, each item offered for discussion and voting is given its own Formal Meeting (FM) Number. FMs  for 2011-2013 to present are below.  In 2012, the board opted to change the format of the FM to include the year the discussion/vote took place.

Prior terms are in FM Archives.      

  • 13 Dec 2022 4:23 PM | Deleted user

    BJH moves that the ABI board approves the increase to the registration fee for the 2023 reunion to $105.00 with the contingency of raising the cost to $110.00 if Saudi Aramco does not contribute any money towards the Friday night reception. The contingency plan will allow for all costs to be fully covered by the increased registration fee and any leftover monies to be used towards event improvements and attendance encouragement raffles.

    Vote: 10

  • 16 Nov 2022 1:33 PM | Deleted user
    CM moves that the Board approve the total cost of $3360.00 associated with the printing, addressing, sorting and mailing ($850 to COA #5331 and $2510 to COA #5332).
    Vote: 10
  • 07 Nov 2022 8:07 PM | Deleted user

    TEL moved that the board renews the directors and officers liability insurance policy for the annual premium of $1,392.00 (#5600). 

    Vote: 9

  • 15 Oct 2022 2:26 PM | Deleted user
    ADN recommends that after additions and or corrections, that the attached minutes of the 10/1/2022 Board of Directors Meeting, be approved and posted to the ABI website.
    Vote: 10

  • 13 Oct 2022 2:12 PM | Deleted user

    ADN moves the following be reimbursed for for reunion expenses:

    Liz Germani - $360.78 via Zelle

    Sandra Louchard - $375.63 via Zelle

    Amber Neal - $303.75 via Zelle

    Tom Littlejohn - $446.25 via Zelle

    Bridget Halpin - $400.81 via Zelle

    Paul Allen - $494.38 via Zelle

    Dawn Kolb - $52.00 via Zelle

    Lisa Osborn - $201.25 via check.

    She also moves that we purchase CANVA for teams at $149.90/year. 

    Travel is COA #5510

    Friday night dinner is Entertainment Expense COA #5520

    Canva is Software Licensing Fees COA#5420

    Vote: 10

  • 18 Aug 2022 2:01 PM | Deleted user
    TEL recommend that the financial information for Q1 and Q2 2022 contained in the attached ABI Budget & Income report be approved by the Board for posting on the ABI website.
    Vote: 10

  • 09 Aug 2022 1:59 PM | Deleted user

    TEL moves the budget for the 2022-2023 fiscal term be approved by the Board.

    Vote: 10

  • 06 May 2022 1:55 PM | Deleted user
    TEL recommend the Board approve filing electronically both IRS Form 990EZ and Form 990-T for an estimated cost of $249,80, and pay taxes due of $324 electronically via the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) by the tax due date.
    Vote: 10

  • 25 Mar 2022 11:06 PM | Deleted user

    BJH moved that the ABI sign the contract with Reunion Hotel.

    Vote: 10

  • 16 Mar 2022 1:51 PM | Deleted user
    TEL recommend that the financial information for Q4 2021 from the attached ABI Budget & Income report be approved by the Board for posting on the ABI website.
    Vote: 10

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