AramcoBrats, Inc.

Formal Meeting Minutes

Because ABI board members reside all over the country, it conducts most business via email. To make it possible to follow multiple conversations, each item offered for discussion and voting is given its own Formal Meeting (FM) Number. FMs  for 2011-2013 to present are below.  In 2012, the board opted to change the format of the FM to include the year the discussion/vote took place.

Prior terms are in FM Archives.      

  • 04 Jun 2023 3:34 PM | Deleted user
    BJH moves that the ABI board approves the payments for the bowling and golf via check and that Bridget is reimbursed the amount paid for the Damman # 7 award via Zelle.
    Vote: 10

  • 24 May 2023 12:11 PM | Deleted user

    LAG move that we pay Flying Ace: $414.98 (COA#7111), and that we reimburse LAG:

    Printer: $91.89 (COA#7115)
    Badge Holders: $86.58 (COA#7111)
    Badge Inserts: $17.92 (COA#7111)

    Vote: 10

  • 22 May 2023 10:51 AM | Deleted user

    LAG moves that TEL be reimbursed $54.59 for purchase of the Square Reader to COA 5820/5830.

    LAG moves that LAG to be reimbursed $646.79 via Zelle for the purchase of pint glasses: ($241.47 - COA#7116, $129.36 - COA#7141, $375.96 - #COA5810)

    Vote: 10

  • 20 May 2023 10:46 AM | Deleted user
    TEL moves that the ABI board approves the payment of the fourth deposit of $12,500 (COA#7191).
    Vote: 10

  • 19 May 2023 10:44 AM | Deleted user
    Motion 1
    BJH moved that we reimburse Liz Germani for GOT Print-$286.25 for 2023 Reunion Brochure Printing. Reimbursement can be made via Zelle.
    Vote 1
    Vote: 10

    Motion 2
    BJH moved that we review and approve these costs so we can sign the contract with Meador Staffing Services
    Vote 2
    Vote: 10

  • 16 May 2023 5:09 PM | Deleted user
    LAG moves that we purchase the swag items for the 2023 reunion. Lisa Osborn, on the reunion committee, will pay the total $8,279 on a personal credit card and can be reimbursed via Zelle.
    Vote: 10

  • 14 May 2023 11:55 AM | Deleted user
    DEK recommends that we use the WA texting service to communicate with the reunion attendees. Budgeting for around 5 messages, at a total cost of $236.00 (acct 7100 - Reunion Expenses)
    Vote: 10

  • 10 May 2023 9:06 AM | Deleted user

    LAG moves that we pay the following vendors as follows and assigned to COA#7111)

    Flying Ace: $6,844.43 via check (26803 Hanna Rd Ste. 903, Oak Ridge North, TX 77385)

    Custom Lanyards: $329.08 via ABI Credit Card

    Vote: 10

  • 08 May 2023 9:04 AM | Deleted user
    TEL recommends the Board approve filing electronically both IRS Form 990EZ and Form 990-T for the year 2022 for an estimated cost of $237.30 (COA#5730), and pay taxes due of $220 (COA#8000) electronically via the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) by the tax due date.
    Vote: 10

  • 03 May 2023 9:34 AM | Deleted user
    LAG moves that we pay Access DJ $700 (COA #7113) via the ABI credit card.
    Vote: 10

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