AramcoBrats, Inc.

Q: Can I make my room reservation directly with the hotel?

A: Yes!  Use our special BrAt Hotel link to reserve your room and get the lower ABI room rate.

Q: I'm sad, I can no longer come to the reunion. How do I cancel my hotel room?

A:  We are sorry you will miss the reunion, but we understand life happens. Cancel your hotel room without penalty at least 72-hours before your reservation date.  Contact the Margaritaville Resort Palm Springs directly to cancel. 

Q:  When will registration open?

A:  Reunion registration will open in December 2024. Keep an eye on your email and social media for announcements. 

Q:  Can I bring my non-Brat family and friends to the reunion?

A:  Sure!  Bring them along, the more the merrier!  Just be sure to register ALL guests (adults and kids) for the reunion.

Q:  I'm married to a Brat, can I register for both of us?

A:  We love Brat love, but each Brat must register themself for the reunion.

Q: I'm a teacher and/or an Aramco annuitant. Can I go to the reunion?
A: Yes, we'd love to see you there! Just make sure you register for the reunion like our Brats.

Q: Why was the reunion date changed from Memorial Day weekend?

A:  Based on Brat feedback, the decision was made to change the Reunion date to June for two key reasons: 

  1. Many Brats have had to skip reunions on Memorial Day weekend because the timing conflicted with family gatherings, school graduations, etc. – we hope the date change will allow more Brats to attend this time; and 
  2. Memorial Day weekend is a busy time for hotels/resorts – they typically have no problem filling their rooms, so they’re not willing to give discounted group rates. We were able to negotiate a great Brat rate with The Margaritaville Resort for our June 26 - 30, 2025 reunion! 

Q: Are there any other changes I should be aware of?
A:  We do try to limit the number of changes, but, sometimes, they are necessary.  For the 2025 Reunion in Palms Springs, the banquet will be held on Saturday evening and there will be some new and exciting events held on Sunday.  Stay tuned for more details!

Q: What's the weather like in June?

A: Daytime June temperatures in Palm Springs are in the low 100s, (it's a desert!) but the evenings are very pleasant (low 70s). Just pretend you are back in Saudi!

Q: The t-shirt designs are so fun and creatively designed.  What will I add to my collection this year?

A: The t-shirts for the 20th Biennial Reunion will be special, indeed.  This level of creativity takes time and more information will be shared as reunion registration approaches.

Q: But how do they fit?

A:  We will provide a size chart once design is complete and registration opens. 

Q: What kind of activities are planned for this reunion?

A:  All your favorite activities from past reunions are planned: Friday night opening reception, golf, bowling, shopping at the Suq, class parties, Saturday banquet and dancing, raffles, and plenty of pool time. You can also book a lot of activities directly with the resort: take in some spa time, work out in the gym, or go on a bike ride.  Don't forget about the Sunday events the reunion committee is planning!

Q: Golf?! Awesome, count me in!  Tell me everything I need to know.

A:  Well okay, we love your enthusiasm!  Golf is still being planned and events will be updated as confirmed.  

Q: Does the golf course offer rental clubs?


Q: Bowling! Alright! Spare me no details!

A:  We see what you did there. . . Updates will be provided as they are confirmed.  

Q: Will there be organized class photos at this reunion? I missed the last one!

A:  Have you ever tried to herd cats?! ABI stopped organizing formal class photos at the 2021 Reunion. Work with your Class Rep and fellow classmates to meet up and take group pictures on your own or using the Friday or Saturday photo booths! 

Q: My question doesn't appear here. How do I get an answer?

A: Please contact the reunion committee. We will be happy to answer your question!

Q: How far can a camel spit?

A: 121 feet.  Except it's more like barf.

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