AramcoBrats, Inc.


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  • 31 Mar 2013 12:06 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    Last reminder that several reunion-related deadlines are upon us at midnight tonight (CDT):
      • March 31st - Early registration for the reunion. You need to be fully registered (i.e. paid in full) by this date to get the $77 registration rate. Late registration (after March 31st) and walk-ins will be $97. So, if you didn't finish registering and/or haven't yet paid, hami hami!

      • March 31, 2013 - Last day to cancel and receive FULL refund of registration fees.

  • 23 Mar 2013 1:16 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    Another friendly reminder for upcoming deadlines!  All deadlines are midnight CDT:

    April 1 - May 17, 2013 - PARTIAL refunds will be given if you cancel between these dates. No refunds after May 17, 2013. No exceptions.  If you need to cancel, please contact

    April 30, 2013 - Last day to cancel a sporting event in order to receive a refund of sports fees.  After this date, you may find someone to take your place and reimburse you directly.

    May 1, 2013 - Last day to register for complimentary room night drawingIn order to qualify for this drawing, you must have a reservation with the hotel, have paid your AdBak and have paid in full your registration to attend the reunion prior to the drawing. For more information on the comp night drawing, see Hotel Reservations page.

  • 23 Mar 2013 1:04 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    Soon we will be printing ballots for our Biennial ABI Boad elections and sending them out to all Brats for voting.  We will elect a new President, Vice president, Treasurer and Secretary to serve the Brats for the term from Nov. 1, 2013 - Oct. 31, 2015.

    Do YOU have an interest in serving the Brats as a member of the Board?

    Do YOU have special skills and abilitites which would be useful in shepherding this diverse and special group?

    If YES! is your answer, go to the nominations page on our website and let us hear from you!  We need all nominations and candidate statements by April 15th, 2013 in order to include them in the ballot mailer!

    Questions? Contact ABI's Nominations Committee.
  • 22 Mar 2013 7:05 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    In case you missed it at Aramco Expats, The Dhahran Youth Baseball Association (DYBA) would like to make a picture book covering 60 years of baseball in Saudi Arabia.  They are seeking pictures of baseball players, fields, and tournaments.  Although it says "Dhahran Youth Baseball," I'm sure they want to include  all districts.

    Please look through your old photo stash and see if you have any pictures to contribute to this project. We've seen some great photos on Facebook, so we know you've got 'em!  Photos can be sent to  Please include location, date, and any other details.

    Thanks for playing ball!

    baseball team - Dhahran, SA 1969
  • 17 Mar 2013 9:07 PM | Gina Hess-Tanner

    Round #1 - The Tucson Reunion Committee challenges the ABI Board! Please join us in the Canteen on Saturday night, post-class parties, at 9 PM for Karaoke Night. Throw down a challenge of your own.

    Round #2 - It's on! We will be ready to rock and roll! Or something like that.


    • Annie: “I hope the Tucson Reunion Committee knows what it's on for!
    • Kathy M.: “Annie...I think the Tucson Reunion Committee knows what they're doing.
    • Diana: “LOL Kathy - I'm thinking the same thing. Took guts to challenge us - they must have something up their sleeve.
    • Gina: "I've been thinking of names for our group. How about: Dawn & The Tony Orlandos?

     Stay tuned…

  • 17 Mar 2013 8:11 PM | Gina Hess-Tanner

    Hi, my name is Dawn.  Some of you know me as the person to contact when they are trying to find classmates and friends.  People who attend the reunions may know me as the person who helped them when they needed assistance with their registration.  Some of you might even know me as the daughter of Gerald Kolb.  I am currently the Class Representative for Class of 1992, and the ABI Webmaster, but eight years ago I was just another Brat.

    I am a younger brat, having graduated from Dhahran in 1992.  I never attended a reunion prior to the one in Houston in 2005.  I always thought the reunions were more geared towards the “older” generation, and that someone in mine would not have a good time.  I attended purely because of its location.  I figured that even if I didn’t have a good time at the reunion, I was at least in a city where I knew people, and could find entertainment elsewhere.

    That reunion changed my life in regards to the reunions, and the ABI organization in general.  I have met people that I would not have met otherwise, some of whom have become pretty good friends.  I even met people that were friends with my parents, and knew me as a little child!  Let me tell you, it is surreal sitting in a hotel room drinking with people that drank with my parents; it was wonderful hearing stories about my parents’ lives that I had no idea about, things parents don’t tell their children.  What was more amazing to me was that I could travel between various groups, and all the stories people were recounting sounded familiar.  I didn’t feel out of place, regardless of whether I was hanging out with my classmates, or someone who graduated before I was even born! 

    After the reunion ended, I was approached by a friend, Gretchen Connally-Doyle, DH91.  She was the current ABI Class Representative Coordinator, and was thinking about moving into a different position on the board.  She was looking for someone to fill her position and wanted to see if I was interested.  Having already held the position as my class rep, and doing a pretty decent job, I told her I would accept the role, if appointed. November 2005 rolled around, the new board started their term, and I started my journey as an ABI board member.  When the ABI decided to start accepting credit card payments, I was asked to help work on getting the website ready, and then eventually was asked if I would like to move into that role.  I have now been the ABI Webmaster for 3 terms, and am looking for someone to replace me so that I can move on with my journey on the board.  Who will accept this challenge? It can be a lot of work, but the benefits are worth the effort.  If the website is not your thing, there are other opportunities available.

    Dawn Kolb, DH92

    P.S.  I had a blast at the first reunion I attended, and haven’t missed one since.  You should think about coming to one too, how about Tucson?  There is still time to register.  I promise that you will have a great time, even if none of your classmates attend.

  • 13 Mar 2013 8:33 PM | Gina Hess-Tanner

    Submitted by John Prugh, RT '66

    Attention all (potential) bowlers.  The 2013 Aramco Brats Reunion in Tucson is only weeks away (more than 6 admittedly, but that number is getting smaller all the time), and the lanes at Lucky Strike bowling alley are filling up fast*.  If you are thinking of bowling…well, remember how much fun it was last time.  Don't you want to have some fun again?

    In fact, didn't you have fun bowling at the reunion back in '91?  Well, this is your chance to relive those happy days all over again.  We are going back to the same lanes where we bowled at the first Tucson Aramco Brat Reunion in 1991.  Sounds like fun, uh?

    Sign up.

     * The word fast is somewhat of an exaggeration…a gross exaggeration, in fact, but lanes are filling up and the reunion will be here before you know it.  If you want to bowl, but fail to register…well (you can guess what happens)….

  • 13 Mar 2013 9:07 AM | Deleted user

    Any of you doing your spring cleaning early?  Looking for a home for those treasures from the past?  How about considering donating them to the ABI?  Shoot us an email at and we'll give you more details on where to send them. Thanks so much!  Your donations help to support the ABI and just makes another brat happy!
  • 12 Mar 2013 10:54 PM | Gina Hess-Tanner
    Submitted by Alex Yiannakakis

    Can you believe it?  It’s been 22 years since the first AramcoBrat reunion in Tucson!

    After being on the reunion committee four times, I have learned that it is the BRATS that make them what they are.  You get to connect with your buddies from kindergarten, grade school, junior high, boarding school, returning student (TriDs or Quad Ds) days, as well as teachers and parents; and also meet again with friends you have made along the way at the various reunions. 

    Of course having a beautiful venue such as La Paloma doesn’t hurt.  It’s a party for your friends, your siblings, your friends’ friends, and your siblings’ friends ... you can hang by the pool, listen to garage bands, play sports, eat and dance.

    And this year you will even get your chance at singing (Karaoke). The committee has issued a challenge to the ABI board. Issue your own challenge, and join us in the Canteen after class parties on Saturday at 9PM!  

    In 1991 when the reunion was held at a small hotel in central Tucson, we did not know what to expect. Although it was a relatively small group (less than 300), it was a nice cozy place for us to gather and reconnect and have fun.  I invited some people over to my house on Saturday and was really surprised by the group that showed up (felt like all the attendees).  Needless to say, I was totally unprepared and my one keg did not last long.  But people banded together, got more supplies and the party went on.

    What a fun experience it has been working with the Tucson committee members and ABI over the years. A lot of planning goes into a reunion which is facilitated by the board. The ABI and reunion committee make efforts to keep costs reasonable in order to get as many to attend as possible, and generous donations help to defer costs.

    For those of you who who remember the El Conquistador in 2001 and 2003, you will love the accommodations at La Paloma. Check out the website, commit yourself, register for the reunion, and we will see you in May.

  • 12 Mar 2013 1:22 PM | Gina Hess-Tanner

    A month ago we reported that our room block was 94.5% filled.  Today it is 102.77% filled.  La Paloma has advised us that availability at the contract rate ($114) is very limited.  They suggest that Brats book quickly to ensure the special group rate.  When the hotel cuts us off we will send out information on overflow hotel, as well as other hotels in the area. Hotel Reservations

    We bet you all would rather be at the reunion hotel.  So….please book NOW if you haven't already done so.  And - those of you holding reservations and know that you are unable to attend, please cancel so we have an accurate count of where we stand.  Reunion Registration

    See you soon.

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