AramcoBrats, Inc.

Just Another Brat

17 Mar 2013 8:11 PM | Gina Hess-Tanner

Hi, my name is Dawn.  Some of you know me as the person to contact when they are trying to find classmates and friends.  People who attend the reunions may know me as the person who helped them when they needed assistance with their registration.  Some of you might even know me as the daughter of Gerald Kolb.  I am currently the Class Representative for Class of 1992, and the ABI Webmaster, but eight years ago I was just another Brat.

I am a younger brat, having graduated from Dhahran in 1992.  I never attended a reunion prior to the one in Houston in 2005.  I always thought the reunions were more geared towards the “older” generation, and that someone in mine would not have a good time.  I attended purely because of its location.  I figured that even if I didn’t have a good time at the reunion, I was at least in a city where I knew people, and could find entertainment elsewhere.

That reunion changed my life in regards to the reunions, and the ABI organization in general.  I have met people that I would not have met otherwise, some of whom have become pretty good friends.  I even met people that were friends with my parents, and knew me as a little child!  Let me tell you, it is surreal sitting in a hotel room drinking with people that drank with my parents; it was wonderful hearing stories about my parents’ lives that I had no idea about, things parents don’t tell their children.  What was more amazing to me was that I could travel between various groups, and all the stories people were recounting sounded familiar.  I didn’t feel out of place, regardless of whether I was hanging out with my classmates, or someone who graduated before I was even born! 

After the reunion ended, I was approached by a friend, Gretchen Connally-Doyle, DH91.  She was the current ABI Class Representative Coordinator, and was thinking about moving into a different position on the board.  She was looking for someone to fill her position and wanted to see if I was interested.  Having already held the position as my class rep, and doing a pretty decent job, I told her I would accept the role, if appointed. November 2005 rolled around, the new board started their term, and I started my journey as an ABI board member.  When the ABI decided to start accepting credit card payments, I was asked to help work on getting the website ready, and then eventually was asked if I would like to move into that role.  I have now been the ABI Webmaster for 3 terms, and am looking for someone to replace me so that I can move on with my journey on the board.  Who will accept this challenge? It can be a lot of work, but the benefits are worth the effort.  If the website is not your thing, there are other opportunities available.

Dawn Kolb, DH92

P.S.  I had a blast at the first reunion I attended, and haven’t missed one since.  You should think about coming to one too, how about Tucson?  There is still time to register.  I promise that you will have a great time, even if none of your classmates attend.

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