AramcoBrats, Inc.

Formal Meeting Minutes

Because ABI board members reside all over the country, it conducts most business via email. To make it possible to follow multiple conversations, each item offered for discussion and voting is given its own Formal Meeting (FM) Number. FMs  for 2011-2013 to present are below.  In 2012, the board opted to change the format of the FM to include the year the discussion/vote took place.

Prior terms are in FM Archives.      

  • 24 May 2013 6:02 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    TEL moved that Hirath be reimbursed $362.21 (a/c # 7112) for signage and $2640.00 (a/c # 7143) for golf.


    Yes: 11

  • 17 May 2013 6:01 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    GHT moved that she be reimbursed in the amount of $480.27 to reimburse her for expenses incurred in having Relicopy make 250 copies of the directory on CDs and shipping 200 of them to Tucson for the Tucson Reunion.


    Yes: 11

  • 16 May 2013 6:00 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    GHT moved that she be reimbursed in the amount of $18.48 for printing and shipping a copy of the directory to Mr. Robert Klein, former Music/Band teacher in Ras Tanura. Mr. Klein does not have internet.


    Yes: 11

  • 16 May 2013 5:59 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    DRG moved that she be reimbursed in the amount of $1037.75 for TRC gifts(silver) and shipping expenses. These are items David and Paula Owen purchased in Saudi Arabia, and for shipping items to Tucson for the reunion.


    Yes: 11

  • 16 May 2013 5:58 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    DRG moved that Erica Ryrholm be reimbursed in the amount of $101.74 or reunion expenses for signage, totes and towels.


    Yes: 11

  • 16 May 2013 5:55 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    Approval of Virtual Terminal

    Virtual Terminal is an optional feature on PayPal that turns a computer into a credit card terminal. The cost is 30 dollars per month which will be deducted directly from the ABI’s PayPal account.

    TEL moved that the Virtual Terminal feature on ABI’s Pay Pal account be activated for one month for use for walk-ins and any other credit card payments received at the Tucson Reunion.


    Yes: 11

  • 14 May 2013 5:54 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    TEL moved that Q-1 Financials for 2013 be approved.


    Yes: 11

  • 13 May 2013 5:51 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    DEK moved that she be reimbursed in the amount of $80.07 for the purchase of supplies, including business cards and envelopes to hold the pre-reunion purchased tickets, for the reunion raffle/auction.


    Yes: 11

  • 09 May 2013 5:50 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    AAB moved to accept the minutes of the Formal Meetings 13-14 thru 13-34.


    Yes: 11

  • 09 May 2013 5:48 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    DKS moved that a check be sent to Erica Ryrholm in the amount of $300 - $200 for tips and $100 for the cash box startup - for the Tucson Reunion. DKS also moved that checks be prepared as follows to be sent to Hirath Ghori to be used to pay the following vendors at the reunion:

    Eagle Vending ($600) – Canteen Equipment
    Ynot Entertainment ($500) – Karaoke
    Chicago Store ($302.50) – Garage Band Equipment Last Call Band ($2250.00) – Sunday Banquet Dance


    Yes: 11

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