AramcoBrats, Inc.


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  • 12 May 2008 6:32 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    Welcome Doug Romine to Your ABI Board! It gives us great pleasure to announce the appointment by unanimous vote of the ABI board of Doug Romine AB'64 to the position of Vice President for the remainder of the 2007-9 board term. Doug fills the vacancy left by Marie Littlejohn-Dunn's departure in the Fall. Doug brings his extensive exprience in business to the ABI as well as leadership experience in organizing our 1999 AramcoBrat reunion in Atlanta. He is already hard at work on projects he saw we needed help on during the interview process. We are confident that he will carry us through to the end of the term with his enthusiasm and professionalism. Please join us in welcoming Doug to his new position in our organization. Doug can be reached at

  • 20 Feb 2008 5:29 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    In this announcement:

    1 - The Envelope Please? And the 2009 Reunion Hotel is?
    2 - What I really want to do is direct
    3 - Brats to Meet in Vegas
    4 - Departures and Arrivals
    5 - I Decline Your Kind Invitation

    1 - The Envelope Please?
    The long wait is over. You don't have to guess anymore. The ABI has signed a contract with a Los Angeles area hotel and given the 2009 ABI reunion a place to call home. We've chosen a hotel that combines best price, convenience and the best quality hotel experience possible. It is a real gem that is just perfect for our group. Just five minutes from LAX, this property couldn't be any more convenient for those traveling from anywhere in the world. At the same time the facilities are superb and the hotel has recently undergone a complete renovation so it will be in very comfortable yet pristine condition for our reunion. The hotel boasts three restaurants, two bars, a Starbucks and a variety of other services without leaving the property. All that and the negotiated price of $109/night just can't be beat in the area.

    The hotel is the Marriott LAX and you can see some photos of the place right now, Just go to the Reunion Tab and choose Hotel Images.

    2 - What I Really Want to do is Direct
    The ABI has received word from Saudi Aramco World magazine of a new audio/video competition open to our younger folks. At stake is a new iPod Touch or iPod Nano for the winning digital audio/video entries. If you are under the age of 24 or you know someone who is a Brat who is in that age group, go to for more information about the competition. Tell 'em the ABI sent you.

    3 - Minireunion in Vegas
    The good folks organizing the upcoming Las Vegas mini reunion have their Web site up and running and it looks fantastic. If you are thinking of hitting Vegas to hang out with some of your Brat brethren this April, the organizers invite you to check out their website at

    4 - Departures and Arrivals.
    We have always maintained that service on the ABI board should take second or even third or fourth place to our board members' personal and work lives. Unfortunately, I must report to you that our Vice President, Marie Littlejohn-Dunn DH'77 has asked to resign from her position on the ABI board in order to devote her time to those other priorities. Her sharp intelligence and quick wit will be missed on the board, but we wholeheartedly support her decision. Never fear, however. Marie promises to be in LA with bells on her toes and - if we're all lucky - another gorgeous quilt.

    Marie's departure leaves us with at least one and possibly two holes on the ABI board. We have a list of folks who have said they are interested in a board position in the past that we will be working on, but if you think you're not on it, want to re-emphasize your devotion and dedication to your fellow Brats, or want to throw your name into the hat, drop Gary Barnes DH'70 a line at

    5 - I Decline Your Kind Invitation
    In accordance with the results from a ballot question in 2005, the ABI will from time to time share contact information on groups of Brats with Aramco Services Company for the purpose of invitations to events hosted by the company. Our agreement with ASC is that this information will be for their sole use and is not to be shared with any other third party for any reason. If you prefer to not have your contact information shared with ASC for this purpose, you may opt out of the program by completing the form at

    Only fill this form out if you do NOT want to receive information from Aramco Services. Those Brats who have previously notified us that their information is not to be published are automatically excluded from the program.

    Best wishes from the ABI board and keep your eye on LA for Memorial Day weekend 2009. More information will be posted on as it becomes available and check your mailbox in the coming weeks for the upcoming newsletter.

  • 31 Oct 2007 6:28 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    In this announcement:

    1- Somewhere West of the Mississippi...
    2- If You're in the Area
    3- So Long. For Now

    1- The current board's term expires at midnight today, so we figured before all those new guys come in and steal our thunder, we'd go ahead and let you all know at least the city where the 2009 Biennial AramcoBrats Reunion will be held. Not only is it West of the Mississippi as promised by Marie Littlejohn-Dunn at the banquet in Asheville, it's also West of the Missouri, the Arkansas, the North Platte, the South Platte, the regular Platte, the Powder, the Rio Grande, the Pecos and the Snake. It's also West of the Colorado. And the Gila (that one's usually dry, but whatever). Longitudinally speaking you might make a case that it's also West of the Sacramento, but I think that's just pushing it too far. Come to think of it, now that I have you thinking cartographically, if you were to stick a pin in the map at 34° 03' N 118° 15' W, you would be pretty darned close to where you need to be to see a thousand or so of your best friends come Memorial Day weekend 2009. Google it, fer cryin' out loud. Or keep reading and I'll just come right out and tell you at the end.

    We can't divulge the exact location or hotel because we are still negotiating the final contracts. But we're really close. I will say that it hasn't been easy this time. We've had to balance the needs of our growing group with rising room rates and fewer concessions from the properties that meet our minimum requirements. That being said, I think you are going to be pleased with the final choice. So get out your map, dust off your compass, wash your ghutra, dig your sandals out of the back of the closet and plan to attend the gathering of our tribe over Memorial Day Weekend at 34° 03' N 118° 15' on your dog-eared, coffee-stained world map because that will put you square in the middle of Los Angeles, CA and you can just take a limo from there.

    2- So. Now the cat's out of the bag. If you happen to live in the LA or surrounding areas and you're interested in giving some time and energy to producing the reunion, shoot us an e-mail at We'll announce the chair later, but for now we need people who would like to be on the committee to step forward and let us know. Reunions are a massive undertaking and being able to share the burden with a group of folks is what makes for a successful event.

    3-Midnight on October 31 every two years marks the end of one ABI Board term and the beginning of the next. The bad news is that we're all out of here at midnight. The good news is that most of us are back at midnight plus one second -- well the four elected board members are anyway. The rest follow as soon as we vote to approve them. That usually takes a few minutes. More on who is leaving and who is joining the board in the next newsletter which is in layout at this very moment, but for now, we'll just say goodbyehello and thanks for supporting the ABI and the board. We don't take our jobs lightly and we look forward to the next two years.

  • 10 May 2007 6:26 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    In this announcement:

    1- Downloadable Ballot
    2- Reunion Raffle Tickets

    1- For folks who might not receive their newsletter in time or those who just don't want to cut up such a fine and valuable publication, we have posted a downloadable ballot on the website at All Brats are encouraged to use either the ballot in the newsletter or the one online to cast your vote for the next ABI board. All ballots must be signed and received via mail by Gary Barnes in Keene, NH, USA by May 20, 2007. Ballots will also be available and may be cast at the reunion. It's your ABI and your vote is extremely important so please take a few moments to cast your ballot today.

    2- There is still time to pre-purchase raffle tickets! Just go to to see some raffled items, and get those tickets. They will be waiting for you upon registration check-in at the reunion. This online offer is only good until May 21st. Dawn heads down to Asheville on the 22nd, so she'll need time to get the tickets together before she leaves.

  • 24 Apr 2007 6:25 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    In this announcement:

    1- Rooms, Rooms Everywhere...
    2- Getting There is the Fun Part.
    3-A Note from an Actual Ashevillian
    4- Get Yer Raffle Tickets Here!
    5- Pictures, pictures, pictures.

    1- Rooms, Rooms Everywhere... We have noticed that there are a lot of brats who have hotel reservations but have not yet registered for the reunion. Those of you that are holding those precious hotel rooms but have not yet registered for the reunion, we strongly urge you to either register for the reunion or release the rooms to those who are anxiously sitting on the waiting list for the main hotel. It is so much easier for everyone involved if we can iron these things out now rather than in the days immediately preceding the reunion. Shukran!

    2- Getting There is the Fun Part. Don't miss the opportunity to be at the reunion! If the cost of getting to Asheville?s airport is holding you back, get creative. Go to the website, then ?Reunion? under Getting There for other nearby airports and driving directions. Use BratBoard to share rides, rooms, ask for babysitting - whatever is needed to get you to the reunion! AND don't forget to register! Here are all of the links:

    3-A Note from an Actual Ashevillian It's offical. The reunion shuttle is all set up and ready to go. You can find info about this service in two places on In the reunion area under "ways to get around" and also there is a link on the page when you pay for the reunion online. Or just go to: I am very excited that the reunion is in my home town this year. It has allowed me the opportunity to attend. I am very much looking forward to spending time with folks I have not seen in a very long time. -Tres Hundertmark RT'83

    4- Get Yer Raffle Tickets Here! If you would like to pre-purchase raffle tickets this year, you can do so online at before the reunion . If you do elect to pre-purchase, your tickets will be waiting for you upon registration check-in at the reunion. The online tickets are offered at a discounted rate. Packets of 5 tickets are $15.00 or packets of 10 are $25.00. You will still be able to purchase them at the reunion, at a cost of $5.00 per ticket,or $10.00 for 3. We figured you wouldn't want to buy tickets not knowing what items are being raffled, so there is a link on the same page where you can see images of some of them. Not all items will be shown, since not all items are in our possession (some are already in NC), and more images will be uploaded as time progresses. This section will only be up until May 21st. Dawn heads down to Asheville on the 22nd, so she'll need time to get the tickets together before she leaves.

    5- Pictures, pictures, pictures. The North Carolina Reunion Committee has asked me to remind everyone that they are still looking for photos to use in a continuously running slideshow at the reunion. Here is the submission info: Email a digital image to Pam Branch at, or send photos to Pam at 3211 Kinnamon Road Winston-Salem, NC 27104. Please include names of any folks in the pictures, and make sure you include your name on the back of each photo. They will be returned to you!

  • 25 Mar 2007 6:24 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    In this announcement:

    1-Register Now or Else.
    2-Just When You Thought You Couldn't Fly.
    3-The B Board is Back and so is the Reunion FAQ.
    4-Getting Around Asheville (as if you'd ever want to leave the reunion hotel)
    4a-Party with Class. Yours that is.
    5-No Reunion for You? Please Remember the ABI Anyway.
    6-Please Don't Bogart Those Rooms

    1-Register Now or Else. Time's almost up! Don?t forget that registrations (and payments) must be received (either online or postmarked) by 3/31 to avoid late fees! The reunion committee will be basing goodie bag and t-shirt orders off registration numbers, so we need to get a good headcount soon! Late registrants and walk-ups will not be guaranteed goodie bags, so please register before the deadline so you don?t miss out. You can register and pay online or use the hard copy form that arrived in your recent newsletter. To register online, go to The online payment option is secure and very convenient. It's so much easier than finding and addressing an envelope, writing a check, finding a stamp, putting on pants then walking all the way to the mailbox. We're exhausted just thinking about it!

    2-Just When You Thought You Couldn't Fly. We have arranged for group discount fares to the reunion in Asheville with Continental Airlines. For discounts, call your travel agent or Continental MeetingWorks at 1-800-468-7022 or book your reservations online at Use Z Code ZURD and Agreement Code AZ3JHT when making your reservations. Discounts are valid for travel between 5/20/07 and 6/2/07.

    3-The B Board is Back and so is the Reunion FAQ. The BratBoard, Reunion Announcements and Reunion FAQ are back! Have a question for the Reunion Committee? Want to know see the latest reunion-related announcements? Find a ride? Find a roommate? Visit the ABI Reunion forums at

    4-Getting Around Asheville (as if you'd ever want to leave the reunion hotel) 4a-Party with Class. Yours that is. There are several ways to get from the hotel to Asheville?s lovely downtown area and other popular destinations and restaurants, including a Brat Party Bus organized privately by Brat restaurateur and Asheville local, Tres Hundertmark. Asheville is a very popular destination, so expect restaurants to be busy over the holiday weekend. Accordingly, Class Representatives are advised to make any off-site class party plans well in advance to avoid lines and long waits. For more information and tips on class party planning, see "Getting Around Asheville" ( on the reunion site.

    5-No Reunion for You? Please Remember the ABI Anyway. Even while we reluctantly forgive you for not making the reunion -- you know who you are -- we still humbly beseach you to not forget to pay your AdBak. Your payment will ensure that you receive the 2007 Aramcobrat Directory and will enable us to continue to bring all Brats newsletters, websites and reunions. We do everything we can to keep our operational costs in line, but there's that whole thing about squeezing blood from a turnip. Paying your biennial Adbak is simple by going to where you have the option of paying the modest sum by either check or credit card. The Brats will love you for it.

    6-Please Don't Bogart Those Rooms There is quite a growing waiting list for rooms at the Crown Plaza for the reunion while at the same time there are more than a few people who have reservations but have yet to register for the reunion. If you are someone who has reserved a Crown Plaza room but have since found that your circumstances have changed and you are not able to attend, please oh please call the hotel and release your rooms so that folks who are coming can get a theirs. These folks are waiting in line patiently, please help them out.

  • 09 Feb 2007 5:23 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    Finally! The moment for which you have all been waiting patiently!

    Online registration for the upcoming AramcoBrats Reunion in Asheville, NC is now open. You'll find the link to the online registration on the main page of the website ( in the Quick Links section.

    Want to hear something even better? You can pay with a credit card!!

    Just in case you're wondering, the current newsletter is at the printer and will be mailed out at the end of next week, so be sure to check your mailboxes for all the latest information on the reunion.

    See you in Asheville,
    ABI Board of Directors
    NC Reunion Committee

  • 23 Jan 2007 5:22 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)


    In this announcement:

    1- How Would You Like to Pay for That?
    2- Election Time!
    3- Room At The Inn
    4- A Ghutra By Any Other Name
    5- So Long, Farewell...
    6- Shuffleboard Anyone?
    7- You're Probably Tired of Hearing This
    8- A Picture is Worth...


    1-How Would You Like To Pay For That?

    Great news. We finally have our merchant account set up with Paypal, so you can now pay your AdBak and make donations to the ABI with your credit card or Paypal account online. You need not have a Paypal account to use this method of payment. This has been many years in the coming and we are thrilled to be able to offer this option to everyone. Reunion registrations will also be payable using this method as soon as registration opens up. So, whip out your plastic and support the ABI today!

    2- Election Time!

    Elections are quickly approaching for the ABI board. If you have been thinking about getting involved with the ABI, now is the time to throw your hat into the ring. All positions are open each election period, so if you know you are the one to fill one of the elected positions, let Gary Barnes DH'70 ( know immediately. In addition to the four elected positions on the board (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer) there are a variety of appointed positions to be filled after the election. If you think you might like to fill one of those posts for two years of fun-filled ABI action, also let Gary know right away. We need to wrap this up very soon in order to get candidate statements and ballot information put together so the deadline is March 5 to get on the ballot.

    3- Room At The Inn

    We have been informed that the Crowne Plaza in Asheville (the reunion hotel) is sold out. As in the past, many people will cancel their reservations as they find they are unable to attend the reunion. The hotel informed us that when calls come in for a reservation at the Crowne Plaza they are suggesting the caller make reservations at the Best Western (overflow hotel). At that time they also take your information and place you on the wait list. IMPORTANT: We are recommending that you not call the 800 number for reservations as the folks at that number don't have access to the wait list. Instead, call the Crowne Plaza Asheville directly between the hours of 7am and 11pm at 828-254-3211 and *ask for in-house reservations*. That last bit is really important if you want to get on the wait list for a room. If a room becomes available, the hotel will call the wait-listed people and let them know they have changed their reservations from the Best Western to the Crowne Plaza. There is always a chance on any given day, that there is no wait list and rooms are available when you call to make reservations. One just never knows. If you run into difficulty or have questions regarding the room situation, feel free to contact

    4- A Ghutra By Any Other Name

    The North Carolina Reunion Committee is still asking for any donations of ghutras. Check your linen closets again and if you have any extras to donate to a good cause (the reunion), let the committee know by e-mailing Let's not make them grovel any more than they have to.

    5- So Long, Farewell...

    After many years of service to the ABI, first as Secretary and then as E-mail Director and Birthday Lady, Doral Zadorkin-Allen DH'66 has decided to move on. Doral has always been good for a lift even when things were looking down for the ABI Board. We will miss her sharp mind and perpetually cheery disposition. But most of all, we'll miss that scintillating, hair-raising laugh of hers.

    6-Shuffleboard Anyone

    With Doral's departure, the ABI board has shuffled some duties and responsibilities around a bit. Class Rep Director Dawn Kolb DH'92 and Webmaster Gretchen Connally DH'91 have taken on Doral's work. The two like working together so much that they also have split up some of the day-to-day drudgery as well as some redesign work on the website. will get a message to both of them.

    7- You're Probably Tired of Hearing This

    ...But we're still looking for items for the reunion raffle and auctions. If you have any Aramco/Saudi/Middle Eastern stuff taking up room in your attic or garage, why not see if the ABI can hawk it at the reunion? The raffle and auctions are a major source of funding for the ABI, so your clutter can make a big difference. If you have something that you think might fit the bill or have any questions, send a note off to


    8- A Picture Is Worth...

    Give something back to your brat family by loaning an image to the reunion slide show for all to see and enjoy! How? Email a digital image (formats listed below) to Pam Branch at, or send photos to Pam at 3211 Kinnamon Road Winston-Salem, NC 27104. Please include names of any folks in the pictures, and make sure you include your name on the back of each photo. They will be returned to you!

    Digital Image Formats: Reasonably High Resolution JPEG or GIF files, made at 72 dots per inch at least...or 300 dpi if available.

    For Photo Formats: 35mm slides or negatives, or photo prints up to 8x10 size

  • 23 Dec 2006 5:21 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    The ABI board and I wish you and your families the very best for the
    holidays.  May you all find peace and renewal in this special time.
    Our best and most fervent wishes to you and yours for a happy and
    prosperous new year as well.

    As you sit with family and friends in the coming days, lift a glass to
    yourselves and to the new year.  It is, after all, that which we most
    treasure as Aramco Brats -- a Reunion Year!

    Mike Simms AB'78
    ABI President
  • 23 Dec 2006 1:41 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    The ABI board and I wish you and your families the very best for the
    holidays.  May you all find peace and renewal in this special time.
    Our best and most fervent wishes to you and yours for a happy and
    prosperous new year as well.

    As you sit with family and friends in the coming days, lift a glass to
    yourselves and to the new year.  It is, after all, that which we most
    treasure as Aramco Brats -- a Reunion Year!

    Mike Simms AB'78
    ABI President

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