AramcoBrats, Inc.


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  • 30 Oct 2009 6:43 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    As many of you know, Halloween in odd-numbered years has a special significance for AramcoBrats as it is the final day of the ABI board of directors term. At midnight on October 31st, the current ABI board will dissolve and the newly elected board will officially take over leadership of the organization.

    I wanted to take this opportunity to let you all know that it has been an honor to be the ABI president for the last 4 years and I appreciate the opportunity you as AramcoBrats granted me in the job. To be sure, as with any endeavor, we had some successes as well as some challenges. I'm happy to say that the ABI came through it all in fine shape. The organization is strong and stable and I'm proud to be able to turn it over to the new leadership. They are as fine a group of elected board members as I have ever seen and I'm confident that they will only move us forward as they take up the reins of ABI operations on November 1.

    Please join me in thanking the current board of directors for their oftentimes thankless hard work in keeping the organization operating. The ABI board is marked by very long hours of work on top of already busy lives for little more than the satisfaction of serving the Brats. Marie, Doug, Kim, Randa, Diana, Diane, Penny, Dawn, Gary and Dean have all performed with dedication and enthusiasm and the success of the ABI belongs to them. Please thank them the next time you see them, buy them a drink or give them a hug if that's your thing. They deserve all the gratitude you can offer.

    Thanks too to all the many folks who helped in other ways when needed to make things happen and to keep things running smoothly. From two reunion committees to folks who stepped up when a job needed to be done, thank you for making it all happen.

    Most of all though, I want to thank you -- the AramcoBrats -- for your support, your criticism and your praise throughout the last four years. Your support has allowed us to keep going; your criticism has been our motivation and our guide in moving forward; and your praise has been our priceless reward. We can't thank you enough for being Brats and for being a part of our incredible family.

    Thank you again and see you around the Bratosphere.

    Mike Simms AB'78

  • 22 Jul 2009 6:42 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    In this Announcement:


    The 2009 LA Reunion was another rousing success! Thanks to all the reunion attendees who helped make it so. It wouldn't have been such a fabulous weekend without your smiles and laughter or your participation and support! And what can we say about the LA Reunion Committee but "bravo" and "shukran" for such a great job planning and organizing the event. Our heartfelt appreciation to Reunion Chair, Julia Simms, and her Committee, June Christman, Kathy Montgomery, Keith Nietupski, Andra Stivanyi, Marsha Sullivan, Neomi Tio, Liz Wood and Costa Yiannakakis.

    We need your feedback. Let us know how we did, or what we can do to improve the reunions. Please take a moment and fill out the Reunion Feedback Survey -

    This survey is not specific to the LA reunion atttendees but applies to all AramcoBrat members. If you have attended any, all or none, we would still love to know what YOU think! IMPORTANT: If you wish to remain anonymous, please fill out district and year to help us understand the demographics of our membership better. Some responses we have already received indicate an interest in chairing or serving on a reunion committee but were submitted with no name or contact information (email). We can't find you if we don't know who you are!

    We are looking for some reunion photos to post on the website. Do you have any? If you are willing to electronically share your images or have them already posted online somewhere and will allow us to link to them, please contact Dawn at

    It's here, it's cool, and it's as fun as Aramco Brats make it: the official ABI Facebook page! ( It will be a convenient way for our members who enjoy Facebook to keep in touch with us. We'll be posting announcements, photos, event information, and other ABI news here as it occurs. Become a fan if you haven't already! Write on the ABI wall, join a discussion topic, or let Brats in your area know of an upcoming get-together you are planning. And don't forget to recommend us to your AramcoBrat classmates and friends on Facebook!

    Those of you who did not attend the LA reunion but who have paid their AdBak for this term should be receiving your directories in the mail any day now. If you do not receive yours within the next 2 weeks, please let us know by contacting Those Brats who have not paid AdBak for this term, there is still time to do so and receive a directory while supplies last. The AdBak forms can be found online at As always, we appreciate the Brat community's support!

    Mike Simms AB'78
    ABI President
    for the
    ABI Board

  • 22 Apr 2009 6:40 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    It's all about deadlines right now folks. The reunion is almost upon us and there are definitely dates you need to be aware of if you are coming to LA or are just thinking about it. Here it goes:

    In this issue:

    1-Reunion Sports Deadlines from Costa.
    2- Reunion Hotel Room Block Deadline
    3- Give Up Your Reservation
    4- Check the Website
    5- Online Raffle Ticket Sales

    1- Reunion Sports Deadlines
    Greetings to all Brats! Hopefully you are all signed up for the reunion, including for your favorite sports event. Those of you that are coming, but haven't registered for any sports, here are some pertinent facts:

    Bowling is filling up fast, and while they have plenty of lanes for us, you need to make sure you are signed up and paid up by May 10th to assure a spot on a team. Anyone signing up afterwards, or at the reunion itself, risks being turned down.

    Golf is not so full, but we have a headcount deadline for the course on May 8th. Anyone signing up afterwards may not get to play with the tournament, and may risk not getting a tee time at all.

    Tennis is not doing so well - if you are thinking of signing up for it, let us know by May 15th, though you still don't have to pay up until the reunion (those signed up will be billed when they register).

    HORSE, while not an "officially sanctioned" sport, is a big success - we have 16 signed up already, and we are expecting to have to squeeze onto two baskets as it is. So hopefully you will let us know as soon as you can if you plan on joining in the fun. Finally, please keep in mind that participants will be required to arrange their own transport to the events. While the Bowling, Tennis, and HORSE events are all less than 4 miles from the hotel, and all within walking distance from each other, the golf course is about a 40 minute drive. We will have a ride board set up at the registration area of the reunion - volunteer and sign up at it. And if you want to play with someone specific, and you haven't notified us of that preference yet, please let us know by May 15th. The fees, starting times, and addresses for each of the sports are on the sports info page on the website.

    Please contact me at if you have any questions. Costa Y. RT'70"

    2- Reunion Hotel Room Block Deadline
    If you haven't made your hotel reservations yet, now is the time. There are still rooms available at our special rate of $109 per night, but come May 5, 2009 (that's in about two weeks) unsold rooms from our room block will go back into general hotel inventory and you may have to pay significantly higher standard rates for a room the reunion. Do it NOW.

    3 - Give Up Your Reservation
    If you find that you have reserved a room (or 10 -- you know who you are) and are not coming to the reunion after all, please, please, please cancel your room reservation for rooms you won't be using. Also do this NOW. We need an accurate count of the number of rooms to be occupied during the reuion and holding reservations you aren't going to use might be taking one away from someone who needs one.

    4- Check the Website
    Check the Website at daily for updates and new information as the reuion approaches. Critical information is likely to show up there first before we can get it out to you by email or other means.

    5- Online Raffle Ticket Sales
    At the Asheville Reunion, we wanted to try selling raffle tickets online prior to the reunion at a discounted rate. It was a great success, so we are doing it again! Starting tomorrow, until Wednesday night, May 20, you may purchase raffle tickets online. The price will be 5 tickets for $15, or 10 tickets for $25. Just go to the ABI website, under the Reunion tab, and click on Raffle Tickets. There, you can also see some pictures of a few items we are raffling off.

    See you in LA in a few weeks!

    Mike Simms AB'78
    ABI President
    for the
    The 2009 Los Angeles Reunion Committee
    and the
    ABI Board

  • 30 Mar 2009 6:39 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    The time has come. You've put it off long enough and now you're up against a deadline. This is final warning that Early Bird registration for the LA reunion ends Tuesday at 12am (Central).

    Oh sure. You can still register after Tuesday and get all the fabulous reunion activities, prizes, live entertainment, and scintillating conversation, but it's going to cost you more.

    So just do it now. Go to and either register online or print out your form and get it in the mail with your check. Either way, do it by Tuesday to get the Brat economic stimulus package price.

    Mike Simms AB'78
    ABI President
    for the
    ABI Board

  • 09 Mar 2009 6:39 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    In this Announcement:
    1- Early-bird Reunion Registration Ends March 31
    2- Marie Littlejohn-Dunn Rejoins ABI Board.
    3- Ghutras! We need 'em if you got 'em

    1- Early-bird Reunion Registration Ends March 31
    We need your help. The ABI newsletter is on it's way to the post office as we speak, but one tidbit of information in the newsletter is so critical that we want your assistance spreading the news to those Brats who don't receive these email announcements. So this is fair warning. Early-bird Registration for the Los Angeles reunion will end March 31. We're asking all Brats on this list to tell their Brat friends and family members so that nobody will need to pay the late registration fee. As we said, the newsletter is on it's way to everyone's mailboxes, but the sooner this information reaches everyone, the better so let everyone know. And register yourself if you haven't already. Go to:

    2- Marie Littlejohn-Dunn Rejoins ABI Board.
    If you haven't heard already, we are all lucky enough to have Marie Littlejohn-Dunn DH'77 rejoin the board as vice president to fill the space left vacant by the resignation of Doug Romine AB'64 who, strangely enough, stepped in to fill the role vacated by Marie Littlejohn-Dunn earlier in the term. One thing is sure: things change. And sometimes they change back again. We are all thrilled to have Marie and her sharp wit and keen analytical skills back with us. Please welcome Marie if you get the chance.

    3- Ghutras! We need 'em if you got 'em
    The LA reunion committee is looking for any ghutras you might have sitting in the back of the linen closet or in the bottom drawer of your dresser. Check it and if you find one or two or a few in any color at all and are ok with donating it to a good cause, let us know. Contact Diana Ryrholm-Geerdes RT'62 at if you can help us out.

    Mike Simms AB'78
    ABI President
    for the
    ABI Board

  • 18 Jan 2009 5:37 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)


    Great News! Online registration for the 2009 Los Angeles Aramco Brat Reunion is now open! Don't wait. Don't think. Don't dawdle. Go directly to to register for the reunion right now. Once again, we are happy to make online payment available for your convenience. Now you can get it all done and handled in just a few clicks of the mouse.

    The party's only a few months away and we can't wait to see you all again!

    Now, if you're thinking, you'll just take care of this later, here's why you should immediately pop the purple pimple of procrastination: You're going to forget. Then you're going to remember in the middle of the night. Then you're going to forget again. Then you'll bolt upright in bed remembering that you haven't done it again. You're going to do this for a month or two and then it'll be too late and you'll be paying the late fees when you do get around to it. And you'll be really tired. So do yourself a favor and do it now instead of putting yourself through all that pain and suffering. Late fees apply after March 31st. No exceptions. Here's that link again: Just click on it and you'll be well on your way to LA.

    Mike Simms AB 78
    ABI President
    for the
    ABI Board
    The 2009 Los Angeles Reunion Committee

  • 13 Dec 2008 5:36 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    The time has arrived. On Dec. 19, the ABI will most likely be releasing several hundred hotel rooms that it reserved for you, at only $109 a night, for the 2009 reunion in Los Angeles. We may have to do this to avoid any financial penalties for not filling the room block we initially contracted at the negotiated rate. If you do not make your hotel reservation prior to next Friday, that reduced room rate may not be available when you do book your room. Regular rates at the hotel are 50 to 150 percent higher than our negotiated rate. Make your reservation by calling 1-800-228-9290 and saying you are with the AramcoBrats today or you may be paying those higher regular rates for your room come next May. You can also make room reservations online by going to: and following the instructions from there for online reservations.

    Our goal has always been to make every effort to make the reunions as affordable as possible for everyone - as well as planning a good time for you, your family, your best childhood friends, and the new friends everyone makes at a reunion. So, if you are coming or thinking of coming to the hottest party on the west coast in years, make those reservations now and you can be assured of getting the best rate possible for your stay. Bringing the kids? Book two rooms. Bringing the parents? Book one for them, too. But whatever you do, DO IT NOW! We simply can't guarantee the hotel will honor our $109/night rate as the reunion approaches.

    Mike Simms AB 78
    ABI President
    for the
    ABI Board

  • 02 Nov 2008 5:35 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    In this announcement (more than usual):

    1- Are We There Yet?
    2- Change in the Address Update Form.
    3- The Hand That Feeds Us.
    4- Have You Seen Me?
    5- A Chance to Help Out Aramco Schools.
    6- Did You Get the Newsletter?
    7- Now Is the Time for Ticketing.

    1- Are We There Yet?
    The Los Angeles reunion is just seven (7)-- yes, that's right SEVEN -- months away. We hope you are coming and, if you are not planning the trip, well... we just don't understand. So that we can all begin to share in the excitement, we've implemented an online poll that asks one simple question: Are you coming to the LA reunion? Take the poll here: and then you can view the results to see how many of your best friends -- you know, the only people who really understand you -- are making the LA reunion the next big event in their lives.

    2- Change in the Address Form.
    As most of you know, the ABI is an all-volunteer organization. We depend on the hearts, dedication and skills of folks who freely give of their time to make the thing work year in and year out. We're always in search of people who want to help because, frankly, we get tired and our brains hurt. New life and new ideas are essential to the successful evolution of the ABI, so we invite you to let us know if you are interested in helping run this show for all the Brats. We've updated the Address Change Form on the Web site to include an option to let us know you are interested. Go to the form at and update your info today.

    3- The Hand That Feeds Us.
    So while you are on the Web site, hop on over to the AdBak section and consider paying your AdBak now. You are the hand that feeds this organization so that we can maintain the Web site and print and mail the newsletters and election materials. If you haven't already paid your AdBak for the two-year term, please consider doing it now. It's a bargain when you figure the small amount covers an entire two years. You can find the form and payment options here.

    4-Have You Seen Me?
    Most Brats can be described as nomadic to say the least. We move from one place to another, flowing across the landscape like dunes across the wadi. In the process, we frequently forget to update our contact information with the ABI. We've posted a list on the Web site ( of Brats we know are out there, but for whom our contact information has become invalid. Check out the list and if you know where someone on it is, please ask them to update their information with us. Again, the Address Change Form can be found here.(

    5- A Chance to Help Out Aramco Schools.
    If you ever wanted to give back to Aramco Schools for the excellent education most of us received, now is your chance. Aramco Schools has asked for our help in getting alumni to take a survey the results of which will help them evaluate and strengthen their programs to better prepare students for when they move on. A link to the survey can be found at .( and will be up for a limited time, so go do it now. They are especially interested in those students who recently graduated.

    6- Did You Get the News?
    Did you get the latest newsletter? You should have received it within the last 3 weeks. Let us know at .( if you didn't get it so that we can check your contact information in our database. The newsletter is now posted on the ABI Web site (.( ) and this issue is packed with great information on the LA Reunion including one that urges folks to make their room reservations immediately. There are limited rooms at our very low rate and once they're gone, you might end up paying much higher rates.

    7- Now Is the Time for Ticketing.
    One of the reasons we picked the Marriott LAX for the 2009 reunion is its very close proximity to one of the busiest airports in the world. Anybody can fly from just about anywhere to LAX and usually do it for less than to other locations in California. That being said, we've noticed that airfares have actually dropped significantly from their highs recently. Now is the time to book your airline reservations (after you book your room). So quit sitting around reading email and jump on over to your favorite travel or airline Web site and get your ticket to ride.

    Best wishes to all,
    Mike Simms AB 1978
    ABI President
    on behalf of the ABI board

  • 23 Jun 2008 6:34 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    In this announcement:

    1 - Room Reservation Operators are Standing By in LA!
    2 - A Few Words from the Database Mistress
    3 - At Last! At Last! A Full Board At Last!
    4 - ABI Information Available Online

    We are pleased to announce that the Marriott Los Angeles Airport is now ready to begin taking room reservations for our 2009 reunion.

    As per California law - all rooms are non-smoking. There are plenty of outdoor areas available for smokers.

    The hotel was renovated last year. If you haven't already done so - please look at the images on our website. As always, one of our major criteria is to make the reunion as affordable as possible for everyone from all walks of life. Among other things, we also take into consideration location, atmosphere, banquet and flow of our contracted meeting spaces. The board and the committee think that you will be very pleased with our choice and we are all looking forward to a great event.

    The actual dates of the reunion are Friday, May 22, 2009 through Monday, May 25, 2009. This is a larger hotel than in the past. We will not fill the majority of the rooms as we have been able to do at other hotels. Many people like to arrive early and some like to stay a little later. We have negotiated a greatly reduced rate of $109 (plus state and local taxes) for all standard rooms (doubles and kings). This rate is available to us from May 19 through May 27 - based on availability. However, please keep in mind that because of contract penalties and attrition clauses, we did not guarantee more than 5 rooms for 5/19 and 5/20 and we did not block any rooms for 5/26 and 5/27. So if you plan to come early and stay late it would be beneficial to reserve your rooms early while the availability is high. We were unable to negotiate reasonably reduced rates for suites in the hotel. Therefore, we did not block suites in the contract and WILL NOT be keeping a wait list.

    There are various ways you can make your reservation:

    1. We have blocked all 113 pool view rooms (with balconies) on floors 1 through 5. You can view outside pictures of this area on our website. We suspect these rooms will fill up quickly. If you would like one of these rooms you may make the reservation directly through the hotel's website.
    2. If you desire a standard room other than the pool view blocked rooms described above (these are in the hotel's high rise building, do not have balconies, and may or may not have a pool view), you may make the reservation directly (this isn't the same link as above) through the hotel's website.
    3. If you prefer to make your reservation via telephone (remember to say you are with AramcoBrats), please call the Marriott central reservation system at: 1-800-228-9290
    4. Suite prices in our contract are $265 for Executive King and $350 for varying other suites. If you want to book one of these you will need to contact our Event Coordinator at the hotel, Caleb Folsom at 1-310-357-8014

    If you have any questions or concerns, or encounter problems making your reservation, please contact Diana Ryrholm-Geerdes at

    Check out the website for information on "your" reunion committee - and check back often for reunion updates.

    And, hey, think about it a little - if you are interested in hosting the 2011 reunion in an area near you, just drop Diane Knipfel-Adams (Reunion Oversight Director) at She will get back to you pronto!

    Diana Ryrholm-Geerdes RT 1962
    ABI Director at Large - Contracts

    2-A Few Words from the Database Mistress

    There are quite a few of you that we have email addresses for, but we do not have a mailing address. Wouldn't you like to have all of this information in the 2009 directory, so that your bratty friends can find you? Please go to, click on the link at the right "Address Add/Change Form" and send us your address. It's easy! Or, you can send me an email at Be sure to include your district and year and your telephone number.

    Not sure whether we have your address or not? You should have received a newsletter in the past week or two. If you did not, then we probably don't have your correct address. (To see the newsletter, just go to the link above and click on "ABI Storage" at the top.)

    And while I have your attention, have you moved recently? Has your zip code changed? What about your area code? If so, please let us know. Simply fill out the above linked form or just shoot me an email.

    Thanks and I'll see you in LA in May along with your new improved 2009 directory!

    Penny Dougharty Maher DH 1972
    ABI Database Director

    3-At Last! At Last! A Full Board At Last!

    We are absolutely thrilled to let you know that Randa Owen-Williams DH 1965 has joined the ABI board as Class Representative Coordinator. We would all be hard-pressed to find a more enthusiastic supporter of Brats over the last few years. Randa brings her energetic enthusiasm and creativity to the board and to her position. She has already proposed some excellent ideas for increasing Class Rep participation and has proven herself a valuable asset in board discussions and decision making. Please welcome Randa to your ABI board and if she asks you to participate in some way, please give it serious consideration.

    Randa's addition to the board means that we once again have a full board with all identified positions filled but, and this is VERY IMPORTANT, if you have a desire to serve on the ABI board now or in the future, the time to begin the process is RIGHT NOW. All positions are fair game for the next term and while some current officers may elect to run for another term in their current or another position, we always welcome and encourage new folks to run for one of the four elected positions.

    If you are interested, contact Gary Barnes DH 1970 our Director at Large -- Nominations.

    There is also more information on the board and board positions in the ABI bylaws viewable at

    4-ABI Information Availabe Online

    As a reminder, the ABI Web site at intended as a primary source for just about any and all information about AramcoBrats, Inc. From regular financial statements to our bylaws to our reporting status with the IRS. So, aside from all the great fun stuff associated with being Brats, if you have a question about our corporate status, our financial standing, our tax status, our bylaws, or our operations, you can usually find helpful information already posted on the Web site. Of course, if you need more information or still have questions, feel free to drop us a line at Our policy is to respond within 48 hours.

    We try to keep the site updated as information changes or is updated. Here are some specific links to operational information:

    ABI Bylaws:

    Non-profit Status/Incorporation Docs:

    Financial Statements:

    Tax Returns:

    ABI Board:

    Meeting Minutes:

    Past Newsletters:

    2009 Los Angeles Reunion:

    And a whole bunch of other stuff. Pay us an online visit and poke around a bit. * * *

    Best wishes to all,
    Mike Simms AB 1978
    ABI President
    on behalf of the ABI board

  • 09 Jun 2008 6:33 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    1- Um... oops.

    Well, those of you who have received you newsletter in the mail may have noticed that the nice spreadsheet with our financial numbers on it is... well... in a word, wrong. I'm sure the number crunchers out there in Bratdom have been breaking out in cold sweats as they try and figure out how the 2008-09 budget could possibly all add up to what is listed. We're not sure how it happened and how it got by our entire review process, but we want to assure you that despite incorrect information in the newsletter, the numbers posted at since March are in fact true and correct. We will change the pdf version of this latest newsletter to reflect the true budget numbers before posting to the website.

    For those who just don't want to go online to figure it out, here are the corrections:

    Account 4900 should be $83,375.
    Total Income should be $120,335.
    5300 should be $28,400.
    6100 should be $2,550.
    7100 should be $83,375.
    Total Expenses should be $128,745.
    Profit/(loss) should be ($8,410.)

    Additionally, the entire 08-09 budget column should be labeled "Budget for Current ABI Term."

    Sorry for the mistake folks. Please enjoy the remainder of the newsletter.

    2- Reunion Hotel Registration Set to Open

    Keep a weather eye on the ABI website for new information on making hotel reservations at the Marriott LAX for the 2009 Aramcobrats Reunion. The reservation system will be open for our group after June 15. That's just 6 days away!

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