AramcoBrats, Inc.


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  • 17 Dec 2010 7:59 AM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    Editor's Note
    DALLAS 2011!

    Howdy, Y'all - it's time to come to Dallas !!!! Yup, the home of J.R. Ewing, the Texas Rangers baseball club, and those football Cowboys is also hosting the next Aramco Brat Reunion. It will be held in downtown Dallas, center...

    Click Here to Read More....

    A Message from Your President

    Fellow Brats,
    When your board started the current term, we set out to accomplish 3 major objectives: (1) move financial records over to a more appropriate application, QuickBooks, (2) deploy a new website with an online database, calendar, and...

    Click Here to Read More....
    Have You Seen Us Lately?

    Website header

    On September 14, 2010 we launched the new ABI website. Not only do we have a new look, but the new site has many new features to help you stay connected with the brat community. To date, over 500 Brats have...

    Click Here to Read More....
    Calling On All Brats - DY’ AL HINNA!

    Hello . . . . Third Culture Kids . . . . the REUNIONS don’t “JUST HAPPEN.” This isn’t BEWITCHED!
    Our reunions happen because a group of dedicated Brats - your Board - work closely with another group of dedicated Brats - a site Reunion Committee - to plan and plan and plan - a massive three day party; and all you have to do...

    Click Here to Read More....
    One Aramcon's Junk Is Another's "Treasure"


    So much about a Brat Reunion distinguishes it from any other reunion you may have attended. More than a class reunion, it is a community reunion which truly takes you back to...

    Click Here to Read More....
    ADBAK: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know (or not)

    You may have noticed (and been confused by) the new process for paying AdBak. It is, in essence, the same as it always has been, but the mechanics are a little different with our online database. So here is AdBak explained: Your AdBak status for the current term is defined by your membership level...

    Click Here to Read More....
    Extra Special Donor Thank Yous

    HONORED DONOR LIST We would like to thank the following Brats for donating beyond the suggested AdBak amount this term. Your generosity helps keep the ABI going! Donations are...

    Click Here to Read More....
    Treasurer's Report

    The latest financial statements (through the end of the previous quarter) are posted on as soon as the board approves them. For those of you - you know who you are - who elected to remain on the print list, we include them below for...

    Click Here to Read More (and for numbers you can actually see)...
    Quick Links
    Dallas Committee
    ABI Board
  • 12 Nov 2010 10:12 PM | Deleted user

    In this announcement:

    1 - Just in time for Christmas: 1975 Nativity Pageant DVD
    2 - Hotel reservations page
    3 - Deck the
    4 - Looking for pack camels

    1. Just in  time for Christmas!
    Check out our new suq item, a DVD of the very last Nativity Pageant, performed in 1975!  Starring Aramcons and Aramco Brats, some of you may recognize many of the cast and crew.  It's the perfect gift for those hard-to-shop-for Brats or Aramco annuitants on your list.  Or buy one just for yourself to put you in the Christmas spirit.  To view the trailer and place your order go to the 1975 Nativity DVD in the ABI Suq.

    2. Hotel reservations page
    It has been brought to our attention that some people have had difficulty accessing the reunion hotel reservations page because they are using the URL from ABI's old website.  We've reorganized the pages a bit, and that URL is no longer valid.  Please make sure you are using the current URL to access the hotel reservations page.

    3.  Deck the
    We know some of you have some great Aramco Christmas photos laying around or living online in a facebook album.  (That's right, we've seen them and know who you are!)  If you own a photo that (a) captures a uniquely Aramco holiday moment and (b) would make a fabulous web banner for the holidays, please consider submitting it for consideration.  If you're not sure it will work as a banner, share it with us anyway.  At a minimum, we might wind up with a nice collection of holiday photos that are sure to put knowing smiles on faces.

    Those submission guidelines again:

    • minimum 1000 pixels horizontally and 125 pixels vertically
    • content must be appropriate for public display
    • photos can be either b/w or color
    • photos must be your own and free for ABI to publish
    • photos subject to minor alterations to fit the banner space and site color scheme (cropped, faded, tinted, etc.)
    To submit your photo:
    • email your photo as an attachment to our flickr account.
    • use "Christmas" as your email subject
    • the text of your email should be the photo title - your name - district and year.
    4.  Looking for pack camels
    If you (or friends, or family) are traveling from San Diego to Houston or Dallas between now and the reunion and have room for a few bins of treasures needed for the reunion, please contactDiana to make the arrangements.  Much appreciated!


    Marie Littlejohn-Dunn DH'77
    ABI President
    for the
    ABI Board
  • 25 Sep 2010 6:57 PM | Deleted user
    In This Announcement:

    1- Sunday Service Interruption
    2- Website Login
    3- It's So Easy...
    4- 2010-2011 AdBak on New Site

    1. Sunday Service Interruption
    Our website server will be taken off-line intermittently this Sunday, September 26th, between 2:00 am to 8:00 am, Eastern time (GMT-5) during a software upgrade.  If you cannot access, please check back after 8:00 am.

    2. Website Login
    If you received this notice you are already registered on ABI's new website.  To log in for the first time:

    1. Go to
    2. Click the "forgot password" link in the upper-right corner.  You will be prompted to enter your email address
    3. You will receive an email with instructions for resetting your password.

    Once you have reset your password, please log into the web site and take a moment to validate/update your contact information.

    3.  It's So Easy... put off making your hotel reservation for the reunion thinking that a room will always be available especially for you.  Truly, it is easier just to do it now, so you don't have to fret later on when you are making travel plans, organizing gatherings for you and your friends, and wondering what you are going to wear.

    Click on hotel reservations for information on making your reservations or go directly to our Fairmont reservation page to reserve your room. Don't forget to sign up for the drawing to upgrade to a one bedroom suite after you have made your reservation.

    Our contracted room block is currently 69.8% filled.  This is *up* a little over 18% since our late July report which we sent to you.  Quick, hurry, rush, dash, zip - make your reservation this weekend.

    If you have any questions or concerns about the hotel and/or your reservations, please contact Diana.

    4. 2010-2011 AdBak on New Site
    On the new site, you can pay AdBak online or by check by simply clicking on "change membership level" in your profile and selecting "Supporting Member [Domestic (U.S.) AdBak]" or "Supporting Member [International AdBak]. If you are not already registered with us, please use the Membership Form to register and pay AdBak.

    NOTE: Please do not use the Donation form on the website for AdBak payments. This is intended for donations above and beyond standard AdBak which are always a welcome surprise.


    Marie Littlejohn-Dunn DH'77
    ABI President
    for the
    ABI Board

  • 14 Sep 2010 9:41 PM | Deleted user

    We have some good news and some bad news to report on the 2011 ABI
    Reunion front.

    The bad news: Barry Cook, our original Reunion Committee Chair, for
    personal reasons, had to step down.  We certainly support his
    decision, appreciate his efforts, and wish him well.  See you in
    Dallas, Barry!

    Now the good news: Mary Singelyn-Littlejohn has agreed to chair the
    committee the rest of the way.  Many of you may recall that she served
    on the 1997 Chandler Reunion Committee, so she knows the ropes and is
    doing a fabulous job.  Thank you, Mary, for taking the helm!  She has
    a great crew working with her, and they are well on their way to
    planning the best Brat party on the planet!  Your committee:

    Mary Singelyn-Littlejohn DH'72 Chair
    Paul Allen DH'89
    Sally Carson-Campbell DH'67
    Paige Crawford-Guillory DH'82
    Michelle Crawford-Koureck DH'79
    Gina Hess-Tanner AB'76
    Mark Rines RT'70
    Cathy Singelyn-McDaniel DH'70
    Stephanie Thomas-Alpher DH'67

    Thank you all for volunteering!


    We've received a total of 8 very different submissions to consider for
    our new website banner and are pleased to announce that center stage
    will be given to Zach Nimms' photo of Brats jumping off the "Beach
    Dune."  We think it does a fabulous job of capturing what our
    organization is about:  friends and fun.  Many of us share fond
    memories of jumping off this very dune and tumbling into the warm
    waters of Half Moon Bay below.  How great was that?!

    To view all submissions, go to our "Banner Submission" flickr album:

    Keep them coming, folks!  We would like to periodically change out the
    banner, perhaps even add a little seasonal feel.  Now would be the
    time to check your stash for those unique Aramco Brat Christmas moments.


    After much work behind the scenes, we are really excited to unveil
    (finally!) a revamped ABI website!  Not only will it have a new look,
    but it also has some new features that we think you'll like, including
    user profiles that allow you to update your own contact information
    and control your privacy settings.  Two things you should watch for:

    - Some time this evening, may become inaccessible
    for a brief period as we make the switch to the new site.  Please have
    patience during this transition and check back.
    - You should be receiving a separate email with login instructions.

    Many thanks to Penny Dougharty-Maher, Kathy Montgomery, and Mary Ann
    Littlejohn (parent) for helping to proof the new site and push all the
    buttons to ensure they work properly!  Just in case we missed
    something, we've set up a forum for reporting any problems and errors.

    So...stand by for launch!


    Are you planning on attending the Dallas reunion?  Looking forward to
    bowling with your friends?  Playing a little beer pong?  Please help
    the reunion committee by participating in this poll:
    Comments are always welcome!

    Marie Littlejohn-Dunn DH'77
    ABI President
    for the
    ABI Board
  • 26 Jul 2010 10:34 AM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    In this Announcement:
    1- Yalla! Yalla! aka Reunion Information
    2- 2011 Dallas Reunion aka Reunion Attendance Poll
    3- Website Banner Submissions
    4- ABI is on Flickr!
    5- Board Nominations
    6- Reunion Raffle/Auction Plea

    1. YALLA!  YALLA!
    Have you been sitting around scratching your head wondering when and  
    how to make your hotel reservation for the reunion?  We pass on advice  
    that one of our grandfathers used to say - "There's no time like the  
    present."  You can find all the information you need at  Our contracted  
    room block is currently 51.27% filled, and the list for the upgrade  
    drawing is gaining momentum.  It looks like there will be many old  
    faces in Dallas, along with numerous new faces.  You won't want to  
    miss the opportunity to spend a long weekend with 900 of your best  

    2. 2011 DALLAS REUNION
    As planning for the 2011 ABI Reunion in Dallas kicks into full gear,  
    you can help the reunion committee out by casting your vote in our  
    first (of several) reunion polls:
    Do you plan on attending? Are you undecided? Tell us your status here:

    Shukran in advance for helping plan YOUR reunion!  If you have  
    questions or suggestions for the 2011 Reunion Committee, please  
    contact them directly at

    We are still accepting submissions for a new web banner.  If you have  
    an image that you think captures the essence of Aramco Bratiness - a  
    beach photo with friends, a cool Little League or swim meet photo, or  
    just a fun or funny scene that says it all for you and fits the  
    following requirements, please send your submission to Dawn at How fun would it be for your photo to be the  
    face of ABI?!

    Submission requirements:
    1. minimum 1000 pixels horizontally and 125 pixels vertically
    2. content must be appropriate for public display
    3. photos can be either black/white or color
    4. photos must be your own and free for ABI to publish

    Photos may be subject to minor alterations to make them fit the banner  
    space and site color scheme (cropped, faded, tinted, etc.)

    When submitting your photo, please write a short blurb as to how/why  
    you believe the photo captures the essence of Aramco Brattiness.   
    Photos we receive, along with any caption and "blurb"  that  
    accompanies them, can be viewed at the following link:

    In order to make it easier to share photos via the website and  
    facebook, ABI has added a flickr account (  If you frequent the  
    ABI facebook page (, you may have noticed  
    some flickr updates posted to the wall and clicked on our facebook  
    flickr tab to view.   Not only is it easier for ABI to share photos  
    Brats have submitted, it's now easier for you to contribute!  You can  
    upload directly to ABI's flickr account by sending your photos to the  
    following email address:
    Flickr upload via email:

    To help us keep ABI's photostream organized, please use the photo  
    title as your email subject line and provide any caption information  
    in the body of your email.  If you are uploading multiple photos in a  
    single email, please put a general description (like an album name) in  
    your subject line -- multiple uploads in a single email will all  
    receive the same title from your email subject line.

    Do you have some reunion photos you've been meaning to share?  Maybe  
    some photos from a local Brat get-together?  Go ahead and give it a  
    try!  (You may still submit photos by sending to our webmaster:

    Do you need to get out more? (Yes - you know you do.)
    Would you like to meet new people? (Isn't this is what Brats do best?)
    Have you ever wondered about how your reunions come together? (How can  
    you not?!)
    Have you ever thought about what the ABI does during the 24 months  
    between reunions? (Okay, maybe not.)
    Are you even alittle bit curious? (Yes, admit it!)
    Would you like to participate?  (What do you have to lose?)
    If you answered "yes" to just 2 or more (yes, just 2 or more) of these  
    questions, please contact any member of the Board.
    The Board needs you!   Please volunteer and participate!  You WILL  
    have fun!  The lines are open . . . . .

    You know the old adage...Saudi or Aramco-themed raffle and auction  
    items form an essential component of our fundraising activity.  We had  
    a very successful auction at the last reunion, and hope to make it  
    even better next time around.  This can be accomplished only with your  
    help.  If your garages or attics are overflowing as you can't bear to  
    toss your sentimental items, we have the perfect solution!  Donate  
    Saudi or Aramco-related items to the brats, knowing that your "junk"  
    will be converted to "treasure" in the home of one of your brat  
    colleagues, while at the same time helping to defray the costs of  
    running our organization. Contact Randa Owen-Williams at or to arrange your  
    donation.  The generosity of brats is the gift that keeps giving!"


    Marie Littlejohn-Dunn DH'77
    ABI President
    for the
    ABI Board
  • 21 Feb 2010 5:46 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    1. Reunion hotel reservations are now open!

    Shukran for your patience while we made sure our reservations system was set up correctly for everyone to receive the appropriate discounted rates and information! Our group reservations system with the Fairmont Dallas is now open for business!

    Phone Reservations Procedure: Call Fairmont Reservations Department at 1-800-441-1414. Make sure you identify yourself as being with AramcoBrats Reunion for ease of booking.

    Online Reservations Procedure: A dedicated booking website has been created for our event so attendees are able to make, modify and cancel their hotel reservations online. More details regarding room rates, suites, and upgrades can be found at

    IMPORTANT: Those of you who DID NOT WAIT to make your reservations may not be included in our room block and may not have received the group room rates. We work very hard (twist, pull, swoon, and cajole) to get these discounts and other amenities from the host property for the benefit of all reunion attendees, and we would hate to see someone miss out. Additionally, there are a few amenities that are tied to us, as a group, meeting a minimum room count during the reunion. We want to make sure all rooms are accounted for, so the reunion is entitled to any sweeteners. SO, IF YOU MADE YOUR RESERVATIONS PRIOR TO THIS ANNOUNCEMENT, PLEASE SEND YOUR CONFIRMATION NUMBER TO to ensure it was handled properly.

    2. Call for 2011 Reunion Committee Volunteers
    Our 2011 Reunion Chair, Barry Cook, is working on forming the 2011 Reunion Committee. If you want to be involved in the organization of the reunion or would like to understand more about serving on a reunion committee, please contact us at Shukran in advance to you awesome Brat volunteers!

    3. Help us go green
    In an effort to use less paper and postage, and because the majority of brats in our database now have email addresses, we will be transitioning our BratNews publications to e-newsletters instead of the print copies you have historically found in your mailboxes (you know, the ones you throw in the recycle bin once you've read every word?). This switch will not only enable us to share news more frequently, but also provide more interesting content such as links to articles, photos and videos that would appeal to our Brat community.

    We still intend to mail print copies to those who request it. If you really need to continue receiving the print version, please complete and submit the following form: Wait! For those who received this e-announcement and are on the verge of clicking through to the opt-in form...Seriously?

    And since we have you thinking about your mailbox vs. your inbox, now would be a great time to make sure that we have the latest and greatest contact information for you. If you have moved, please contact Duane ( to update your information, or send it to us through our online form:

    4. Photo contest
    We're getting a little weary of our website banner and are thinking it might be fun to change it up a bit. Some of you have some fabulous photos in your stash that capture the essence of Aramco Bratiness. We know it! We've seen them in various online albums and on Facebook. Maybe it's a beach photo with friends, a cool Little League or swim meet photo, or just a fun or funny scene that says it all for you. How fun would it be for your photo to be the face of ABI?

    If you have a photo that you would like to have considered, please send your submission to Dawn at Here are submission requirements:

    • minimum 1000 pixels horizontally and 125 pixels vertically
    • content must be appropriate for public display
    • photos can be either black/white or color
    • photos must be your own and free for ABI to publish
    • photos may subject to minor alterations to make them fit the banner space and site color scheme (cropped, faded, tinted, etc.)
    • tell about the photo and how it captures the essence of Aramco Brattiness.

    We're hoping we get enough submissions to even change them out every now and then. An old Aramco Christmas photo would be a much better way to spruce up the website than holiday clip art, don't you think?

    Marie Littlejohn-Dunn, ABI President

  • 18 Feb 2010 7:52 PM | Deleted user
    Our group reservations system with Fairmont Dallas is now open for business! To start making those reservations, and for more details regarding room rates, suites, and upgrades, go to the Hotel Reservations page!

  • 24 Dec 2009 5:45 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    Happy Holidays from ABI

    'Tis the season for holiday parties. While we would love to bring us all together to eat, drink and be merry, we cannot, for the life of us, fit the bowls of hummus and trays of cookies in this announcement. The best we can do is bring a little menu of seasonal entertainment and reminiscing to your desktop to thank you for making the ABI such a successful and fun organization. Enjoy!

    Vintage Aramco Christmas footage courtesy of Aramco Expats and Tim Barger - "Sleigh Bells Ring in 1952" :

    "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" from some ABI elves -

    "Jingle Bells" from some more ABI elves -

    Oh wait! What's in that big box the elves are wrapping over there? The tag says "Aramco Brats." Could it be a reunion announcement? It's the right size and shape! They're still wrapping it, but it looks like it will be finished really, really soon! Stay tuned!

    Have a safe and happy holiday!,

    The ABI elves

  • 03 Nov 2009 5:44 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    We are pleased to announce that we have filled all of the appointed Board positions for the 2009-2011 term. Please join me in welcoming first-time Board members Tom Littlejohn, Robin Payne White, Duane Hopple, and Andrew Bobb. I would also like to thank our returning Board members for agreeing to serve (yet) another term. We have another great group of volunteers and a nice balance of experience and fresh perspective on the team.

    Your 2009-20011 Board of Directors:

    Marie Littlejohn Dunn (DH7)-President
    Randa Owen Williams (DH65)-Vice President
    Tom Littlejohn (DH84)-Treasurer
    Kim Zinszer (DH67)-Secretary
    Robin Payne White (DH59)-Class Representative Director
    Duane Hopple (RT79)-Database Director
    Diana Ryrholm-Geerdes (RT62) DAL (contracts)
    Andrew Bobb (DH74) DAL (nominations)
    Mike Simms (AB75) Publications Director
    Diane Knipfel-Adams (AB78) Reunion Oversight Director
    Dawn Kolb (DH92) Website Director

    To our departing Board members, Penny, Dean, Gary and Doug, "shukran" for your many hours of hard work and for your wonderful senses of humor that made the hours seem shorter and the work lighter. We will miss you. You made it fun!

    Now, on to the work of throwing another one of the best parties in the world, the 13th Biennial ABI reunion! Stay tuned to your favorite Brat channel ( or or both) for details.

    Marie Littlejohn Dunn (DH77)
    ABI President

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