AramcoBrats, Inc.


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  • 12 Jun 2011 12:09 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    There are 2 simple ways to share your photos from the Dallas reunion.

    (1) Email upload directly to ABI's flickr site.  This works best if you only have a single photo or small number of photos to upload. Please be sure to put the photo title and identifying tags to help us keep everyone's photos organized:
    Email address:  
    Your photo title tag: reunion Dallas 2011
    Body: your photo description

    (2) Batch upload your photos to ABI's reunion photo dropboxIf you have a bunch of reunion photos you would like to share in ABI's Dallas 2011 Flickr album, you can upload them to the following folder, and we will upload to the flickr site for you.  Please place them in the Dallas 2011 Photos folder and send Marie a note to let her know there are photos to pick up.
    Password: brats2011 
  • 20 May 2011 12:41 AM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
       Announcement #54
      May 20, 2011

    1. Deadline for Online Registration
    2. Discount Raffle Ticket Deadline
    3. Updated Fairmont Reservation Instructions
    4. Sign Up for Reunion Text Messages
    5. Mobile Reunion Photo Sharing
    6. Mail/E-mail Those Ballots!

    1. Deadline for Online Registration 

    Online registration with online payment will close at midnight Sunday, 5/22/2011 in order for us to finish printing badges and all that other last minute scramble to prepare for Thursday.

    If you miss the cutoff, no worries!  You are still welcome to register onsite.  We hope to see you there!

    2. Discount Raffle Ticket Deadline

    Online discount raffle ticket sales will also close at midnight Sunday, 5/22/2011.  Get 'em now, folks, or pay a little more to buy them onsite.  We've got some really cool stuff to raffle off!

    Discount pricing: 
    • $5.00 for 3 tickets
    • $10.00 for a packet of 8
    • $25.00 for packets of 25. 
    (At the reunion, the cost will be 2 tickets/$5.00, 5 tickets/$10.00, 20 tickets/$25.00).

    3. Updated Fairmont Reservation Instructions

    Our room block has been released, so online booking is no longer available.  You can still reserve a room by calling Fairmont Reservations Department at 1-800-441-1414. Make sure you identify yourself as being with AramcoBrats Reunion for ease of booking.

    4. Sign Up for Reunion Text Messages

    To receive the very latest information about the 2011 AramcoBrats reunion straight to your mobile phone, text BRATS to 53137.  We'll send you updates via text message* with news and info about the biggest Brat party of 2011.

    *Your carrier's text message rates apply.

    5. Mobile Reunion Photo Sharing

    Share your reunion photos instantly with the Brat community by uploading to ABI's flickr account via email.  Your photo(s) will automatically appear in ABI's Flickr photostream AND on ABI's Facebook wall.  It's simple!  Just email your photo(s) to the mobile upload email address.  Your subject line should be your photo title plus tag: reunion Dallas 2011. The body of your email should be any photo description you would like to include.  Thanks in advance for sharing!

    Email address:  

    Subject: Your photo title tag: reunion Dallas 2011

    Body: your photo description

    6. Mail/E-mail those Ballots!

    Don't forget to vote!  It's getting a little late to return ballots via snail mail, but remember: properly filled out, signed and scanned ballots may be submitted via email to  Emailed ballots must be submitted before 11:59 pm on 5/28/2011 to be counted.

    See "all y'all" in Dallas!,

    Marie Littlejohn-Dunn DH '77
    ABI President
    for the
    ABI Board
  • 12 May 2011 9:46 AM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
       Announcement #53
      May 12, 2011

    In this announcement:

    1. Hami, Hami, Y'all!
    2. Vote!
    3. Help Build Your Reunion Jukebox
    4. Discounted Raffle Tickets Online!
    5. Check Your Contact Info
    1. Hami, Hami, Y'all!
    You know you want to be at the big bash in the big "D," so do yourself a favor and don't wait to register at the door!  Online registration will remain open through 5/22/2011.  The mail-in registration option will be disabled on 5/15/2011 in order to allow time for checks to be mailed and received before the reunion.  Register now!

    REMINDER: you must be either a Supporting or Sustaining member to register. (This is our newfangled way of saying you have to pay AdBak.) Not one? Go to your profile page and in the Membership Details section, click "Change Membership Level." Be sure to select the appropriate level (Domestic v. International).

    2. Vote!
    Check your mailbox for your ABI ballot form (if you haven't already received it), and please vote!  
    Be sure to write your name/address information clearly on the form and return completed ballots via mail to: 

    AramcoBrats, Inc.
    c/o Andrew Bobb
    3729 Arnold
    Houston, TX 77005

    Please allow sufficient time for delivery before May 20, 2011.  Ballots that arrive after May 20 may not be counted at the reunion.

    Properly filled out, signed and scanned ballots may also be submitted via email to  Emailed ballots must be submitted before 11:59 pm on 5/28/2011 to be counted.

    If you do not receive a ballot in the mail, we may not have current address information for you.  Please download an electronic copy of the ballot from the website and check your contact information online!

    IMPORTANT: if you returned your ballot via email on Monday, 5/9/11, please resend to make sure we received it. We had a brief glitch with that email address.

    3. Help Build Your Reunion Jukebox
    Just a reminder to help us fill our reunion jukebox with streaming music from  
    Sign in as bratmusic2011 (password dallas2011) to check out what has already been added and/or add your own song selections to the decade-based playlists we have set up: "Best of the 19XXs," etc.  Just look up a song in the search window, drag it into the appropriate decade playlist, and you're done!  If you really want to get fancy, you can even upload music from your own desktop collection!

    Feel free to contact
    Dawn if you have questions or suggestions.

    4. Discounted Raffle Tickets Online!
    Take advantage of our discounted prices by purchasing your raffle tickets online between now and May 22nd!  The online sales will close on that date to give us time to tabulate the ticket purchases and have your tickets ready for you at registration. The more tickets you buy, the greater your chances of winning the raffle item(s) you have bid on.

    Online prices:
    • 3 tickets for $5, 
    • 8 tickets for $10
    • 25 tickets for $25 
    Onsite prices:
    • 2 tickets for $5
    • 5 tickets for $10
    • 20 tickets for $25
    PURCHASE NOW and get more bang for your buck!

    (For raffle/auction questions and donations, contact

    5. Check Your Contact Info
    If you haven't checked your contact information, now is a good time to do so before we finalize information for the directories.  Whatever we have in our database as of Friday the 13th is how your listing will appear.  To check your contact information, Go to your profile page and click "edit" at the top if you need to make any changes.

    See y'all in Dallas!,

    Marie Littlejohn-Dunn DH '77
    ABI President
    for the
    ABI Board
  • 15 Apr 2011 11:13 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

       Announcement #52
      April 14, 2011

    In this announcement:

    1. There's Still Time!
    2. Need to Cancel or Add a Reunion Registration?
    3. Help Build Your Reunion Jukebox
    4. Discounted Raffle Tickets Online!
    5. Reunion Suq Vendors
    1. There's Still Time!
    There is still time to register for the reunion in Dallas. You can always pay at the door, but why wait?  It's so much easier to walk into registration to pick up your badge and goodies then join the party!  Register now, folks!

    In order to allow time for checks to be mailed and received before the reunion, the mail-in registration option will be disabled on 5/15/2011.  Registration with online payment will still be available through Sunday, 5/22/2011.  

    REMINDER: you must be either a Supporting or Sustaining member to register. (This is our newfangled way of saying you have to pay AdBak.) Not one? Go to your profile page and in the Membership Details section, click "Change Membership Level." Be sure to select the appropriate level (Domestic v. International).

    2. Need to Cancel or Add a Reunion Registration?
    If you have already registered for the reunion and need to cancel or add a guest, please contact Dawn who will take care of it for you.  (See cancellation/refund policy.)  

    3. Help Build Your Reunion Jukebox
    Jukeboxes are becoming antiques, so we're trying something new in the canteen at this reunion: a netbook with streaming music through  Instead of adding quarters and paging through CDs, folks will be able to search by song or artist and add their selection to the queue.  Presto!

    Wouldn't it be great if we could build some playlists before the reunion?  We have already set up a grooveshark account, so you can do just that!  If you want to help build a great music collection you and your classmates will enjoy, go to any time before the reunion and sign in as bratmusic2011 (password dallas2011) to add songs to the decade-based playlists we have set up: "Best of the 19XXs", etc.  Just look up a song in the search window, drag it into the appropriate decade playlist, and you're done!  If you really want to get fancy, you can even upload music from your own desktop collection!

    Feel free to contact
    Dawn if you have questions or suggestions.

    4. Discounted Raffle Tickets Online!
    Now that your reservations are made, it’s time to start gearing up for the event itself.  In case you’ve been wondering, YES, our ever-popular raffle and silent and live auctions will take place again this year.

    As in the past, we will have a wide variety of items - from brass camels and candlesticks, stuffed animals, bedu jewelry, clothing, books, decorative brass plates, coffee pots, hookahs and incense burners to cookbooks, books and manuals. Items are still coming in via donations from fellow brats.  Among our goodies should be something which strikes your eye - something which you always regretted not having collected while you were there (perhaps your budget was nonexistent?).

    Take advantage of our discounted prices by purchasing your raffle tickets online between now and May 22nd!  The online sales will close on that date, to give us time to tabulate the ticket purchases and have your tickets ready for you at registration. The more tickets you buy, the greater your chances of winning the raffle item(s) you have bid on.

    Online prices:
    • 3 tickets for $5, 
    • 8 tickets for $10
    • 25 tickets for $25 
    Onsite prices:
    • 2 tickets for $5
    • 5 tickets for $10
    • 20 tickets for $25
    PURCHASE NOW and get more bang for your buck!

    (For raffle/auction questions and donations, contact

    5. Reunion Suq Vendors
    We've had a great response to Suq signup for this reunion.  Brats will be selling everything from books and clothes to jewelry and Arabian artifacts and lots in between, so bring some extra spending faloose!  That's the good news.  The bad news is the Suq is almost full, so space and tables are now on a first-come, first-served basis.  Wish we could squeeze in more because it would feel a lot like the old Al Qaisariyyah Suq in Hofuf, but we have to play by the rules. 


    Marie Littlejohn-Dunn DH '77
    ABI President
    for the
    ABI Board

  • 30 Mar 2011 10:47 AM | Deleted user

       Announcement #51
      March 30, 2011

    In this announcement:

    1. What a Deal!
    2. Yalla, Yalla!
    3. Class Gathering Spots
    4. Gift Registration
    5. Got Suq Stuff?

    1. What a Deal!

    Road trip to Dallas

    Your mileage may vary
    Group room rates at the Fairmont Dallas
    $105/night ($74 savings over average nightly rate) or $52.50/night because you're sharing with your best friend from childhood!

     Discounted parking

    $13/day ($10/day discount) or $5/day at the YMCA lot
     4 fun-filled days and nights at the 13th Biennial Aramco Brat Reunion* including:
    • 15% off food and beverages
    • T-shirt, goodie bag, assorted Brat swag
    • Nifty reunion badge (you won't get 15% off without it)
    • Discounted banquet meal ($35 savings)
    • Dance band
    • Jukebox, foosball and other games
    • Garage band equipment, so you can jam all night
    • Fun door prizes
    • Night time, poolside movies featuring "Hamad and the Pirates," "Home," and "Coming Home"

    $79 or less than $20/day!

     Coming home and seeing the best friends you ever had

    *Warning:  may cause sleep deprivation, loss of voice from talking too much, prolonged periods of smiling, flashbacks, and ostentatious (is that possible?) displays of gold jewelry.  Some may also experience tears upon departure, sudden urges to stay in touch with new and old friends, and solemn vows to never miss another ABI reunion!

    2. Yalla, Yalla!

    March 31st is tomorrow!  This is the deadline for early registration and for full refunds on cancellations.  As of April 1, a late fee of $20 will be applied to all registrations that are not paid in full.  If you are paying by check, your envelope must be postmarked by 3/31/2011.  Register now, folks!

    REMINDER: you must be either a Supporting or Sustaining member to register. (This is our newfangled way of saying you have to pay AdBak.) Not one? Go to your profile page and in the Membership Details section, click "Change Membership Level." Be sure to select the appropriate level (Domestic v. International).

    3. Class Gathering Spots

    Need a place to gather your class before Saturday night’s (28 May) class parties?  Your Brat board and reunion committee has the answer.  Four rooms at the Fairmont are being set aside for groups of classes.  We will arrange for tables to be set up in the rooms and a cash bar in the area adjacent.  The rooms will be available from 4 PM to midnight.  This will be a great place for classes to gather prior to outings to other venues for individual parties.  And, yes, you can drop in on other groups. 

    The Oak Room with capacity for 180 will be set aside for classes 1980 through 1989; the Continental Room (capacity 90) will be used by classes 1970 through 1979; the Far East Room (capacity 90) will be set aside for classes 1950 through 1969, and the State Room (capacity 60 ) will be designated for classes 1990 through present.  

    4. Gift Registration

    Want to register a brat friend?  What a great idea, and what a great friend!  If you were thinking of doing something like this for another Brat, the best thing to do is contact Duane ( first to see if they already have an active account.  He can then help you get everything taken care of and even email you the invoices.

    5. Got Suq Stuff?

    Brats like other Brats' works, so if you have something to sell, be it jewelry, book(s), photos, quilts, t-shirts, you name it, sign up for a table at the Suq.  It will be conveniently located just off the pool, so you're sure to get plenty of traffic and not miss out on the party yourself.  To reserve your table contact Cathy Singelyn-McDaniel at  She will set you up with a table and answer any questions you have.


    Marie Littlejohn-Dunn DH '77
    ABI President
    for the
    ABI Board

  • 24 Mar 2011 6:50 AM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
       Announcement #50
      March 24, 2011

    In this announcement:

    1. Yalla, Yalla! Early Registration Deadline!
    2. A Place to Eat, Drink And Be Merry...And Rest
    3. Last Call for Nominations
    4. Where to Park Your Camel

    1. Yalla, Yalla! Early Registration Deadline!

    March 31 is just 1 week away!  This is the deadline for early registration and for full refunds on cancellations.  As of April 1, a late fee of $20 will be applied to all registrations that are not paid in full.  If you are paying by check, your envelope must be postmarked by 3/31/2011.  Register now, folks,  and keep that $20 in your pocket to spend poolside with your classmates at the reunion!

    REMINDER: you must be either a Supporting or Sustaining member to register. (This is our newfangled way of saying you have to pay AdBak.) Not one? Go to your profile page and in the Membership Details section, click "Change Membership Level." Be sure to select the appropriate level (Domestic vs International). 

    2. A Place to Eat, Drink And Be Merry...And Rest

    In just a little over 2 months - Reunion Time!!!!  The Fairmont will release our room block to the general public on May 10, so be sure to make your hotel reservation before that date.  The room night rate is only $105.  Even if you live in the Dallas area, you might want to consider reserving a room for a night or two, so you can visit with your friends into the wee hours without having to constantly check you watch and worry about getting in your car to drive home.  Book now!

    And, remember - We have complimentary internet access in guest rooms for Fairmont President's Club members. Attendees may enroll prior to arrival at  It doesn't cost anything to join!

    3. Last Call for Nominations

    Last call for candidates seeking an elected position on the Board.  Anyone wanting to run for: (1) President; (2) Vice President; (3) Treasurer; or (4) Secretary please submit your name(s) to Andrew Bobb by March 31, 2011.  Ballots have to be printed, mailed and returned prior to the Dallas reunion to accommodate those who will not be attending!  Ballots will also be available at the reunion.

    4. Where to Park Your Camel

    Discounted valet parking for 180 camels (cars) is available at the Fairmont Dallas for AramcoBrat hotel guests at $13.00 per day.  The cost includes unlimited in and out privileges.  This is $10.00 cheaper than their current price.  Additional parking is available at various other locations.  However, the hotel recommends YMCA (open lot) at Ross & Field Street which is located diagonally across from the hotel.  They charge $5.00 flat rate - guests deposit cash or credit in the pay station.

    Shukran and hammi, hammi, y'all!,

    Marie Littlejohn-Dunn DH '77
    ABI President
    for the
    ABI Board
  • 12 Mar 2011 10:15 AM | Deleted user

       Announcement #49
      March 12, 2011

    In this announcement:

    1. Deadlines Looming!
    2. Book Your Flights!
    3. Seeing Double
    4. And the Winners Are...(Upgrade Drawing)
    5. Raffle/Auction Donations
    6. Calling All Musicians!

    1. Deadlines Looming!

    Believe it or not, March 31, is just  a few weeks away!  This is the deadline for early registration and for full refunds on cancellations.  As of April 1, a late fee of $20 will be applied to registrations.  The committee will start placing orders for goodie bags and other materials based on early registration numbers.  If you register after the deadline or at the reunion, you will not be assured of getting a goodie bag and contents.  Register now, folks!  Keep that $20 in your pocket to spend poolside with your classmates at the reunion!

    REMINDER: you must be either a Supporting or Sustaining member to register. (This is our newfangled way of saying you have to pay AdBak.) Not one? Go to your profile page and in the Membership Details section, click "Change Membership Level." Be sure to select the appropriate level (Domestic vs International).  

    2. Book your flights!

    If you have been watching the news or filling up at the gas pump, you are probably painfully aware that unrest in the Middle East is causing fuel prices to rise.  Airlines are raising their fares accordingly, so be sure to book your flights as soon as possible!

    3. Seeing Double 

    We still have people who were already in our database attempting to RE-register on the website.  If you received this email, then you are already in our database and do NOT need to register, even if you have never logged into the new web site. If you have never logged into the new website, click "forgot password" in the login box at the top-right of the home page

    4. And the Winners Are...(Upgrade Drawing)

    Here's how it went down:

    The Room Upgrade Drawing was managed by a designated member of the Reunion Oversight Committee (ROC) and the Database Director.


    As an email request was received at the upgrade drawing email address, the Database Director entered all the information into an Excel spreadsheet. The date/timestamp of the email was utilized to determine the order of entry.  As the spreadsheet was updated, the Database Director forwarded a copy of the spreadsheet to the ROC member. If a request was missing some of the required information (as set forth in the rules listed on the web site), the Database Director sent an email to the Brat informing them of the missing information.  At the time the full and complete information was received, then and only then was the information added as an entry in the spreadsheet.


    When reunion registration opened, brats were sent numerous notices to register, as well enter for the drawing prior to the February 18th deadline.  Once the deadline for entering the drawing closed, the Database Director reviewed all entries to make sure they fully qualified.  Those not meeting all the requirements were excluded from the upgrade drawing.  This list was passed to the ROC member who then confirmed the room reservation with the Fairmont Dallas.


    The process of picking the winners was performed using a randomizer program.  As the President was not privy to the spreadsheet, the Database Director sent the link to a randomizer program along with the number ranges to use.  The President generated a list of numbers which was forwarded to the ROC member and Database Director.  The Database Director then matched the numbers to the row number in the spreadsheet.  The name corresponding to the row number was declared a winner.  The winners and a list of alternates were passed to the ROC member who then validated the winners identified by the Database Director.


    The ROC member contacted each winner to get their permission to switch the their room reservation to an upgraded suite.  Winners were given 4 days to respond.  Upon receiving the approval emails, the ROC member contacted the hotel to change the room reservation.

    And the winners are:


    If a winner finds that they need to cancel their reservation, we have asked them to give us permission to cancel for them so that we may assign the upgrade to the next person in line on the alternate list.

    5. Raffle/Auction Donations

    May is just around the corner.  Our plans are gelling and bode for a fantastic reunion!  Just a reminder that those of you who want to clear out your attics and contribute items to our always popular raffle, silent and live auctions should probably not procrastinate much longer - or the opportunity will have passed you by.  Please contact Randa at if you are considering making a donation to the cause or if you have any questions as to what types of items we would like to receive.  Anything you contribute will undoubtedly be appreciated by another brat.

    6. Calling All Musicians!

    The Dallas Reunion committee encourages you to come to the reunion and jam with your fellow brat musicians.  This reunion will be home to 2 (TWO) music venues!  In addition to the usual garage band set up, we will also provide an Acoustic Oasis (complete with grand piano and acoustic guitar) for those that prefer their music 'unplugged.'  The other side of the musical coin will have basic band set up (drums, guitars, keyboard, amps, and mics). Attendees are welcome to bring their own instruments.  Don't be shy!  Come to the reunion and step up to the mic and help make the party happen! 

    Questions can be directed to

    Shukran and hammi, hammi, y'all!,

    Marie Littlejohn-Dunn DH'77
    ABI President
    for the
    ABI Board
  • 15 Feb 2011 9:11 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    The deadline for the room upgrade drawing is just a few days away - Friday, February 18th.  Don't forget that you must (1) be fully registered for the reunion and (2) hold a hotel reservation to be eligible.  Hami, hami, y'all!
  • 29 Jan 2011 6:25 PM | Deleted user

       Announcement #48
      January 29, 2011

    In this announcement:

    1. It's Now or Never - Upgrade Drawing
    2. Time Is Running Out - Room Reservations
    3. Check the Events Calendar
    4. Seeing Double
    5. PayPal Not Your Pal?
    6. Raffle And Auction Items

    1. It's Now or Never - Room Upgrade Drawing

    Thanks to all of you that have followed all the rules and signed up for the Upgrade Drawing (see details).  We have several upgrades to distribute.  In order to cross one more thing off our plate, we have set Friday, February 18 as the deadline for the drawing.  You have one more step to complete.  If you haven't already done so, you need to register and pay for the reunion no later than Friday, February 18.    Winners will be notified shortly after the drawing occurs which will give you plenty of time to get used to your new accommodations.  When we notify you that you have won, we will ask you to give us permission to switch your current reservation to the upgrade.  You will have 4 days to respond.  If we do not hear from you within that period of time we will move on to the next winner.  If you have any questions or concerns please contact

    2. Time Is Running Out - Room Reservations

    Our room block is currently 86% filled.  This means that there aren't many rooms left.  The Fairmont has agreed to add to our room block as long as rooms are available.  As we get closer to the reunion there probably will not be any more rooms available.  If you haven't reserved a room, now is the time!

    3.  Check the Events Calendar

    Be sure to watch the Events Calendar for alternative reunion activities organized by a reunion attendee.  We currently have a Saturday afternoon activity listed that sounds like great family fun - LEGOLAND Discovery Center.   The organizer, David, hopes there is enough interest to get a discounted group rate.  If you are interested in doing this with your children, please let the organizer know by "registering."

    If you would like to organize an outing or activity at the reunion and want to get the word out, the Events Calendar is a great way to broadcast it and keep track of who is coming.  The Events Calendar works a lot like "events" on facebook:
    • A list of attendees is automatically generated, so you don't have to keep track.
    • Email updates and reminders can be directed to attendee list.
    Send us the details and any contact information for an event you would like to organize, and we'll be happy to create a listing for you!

    4. Seeing Double

    We have had a number of people who were already in our database attempt to RE-register on the website.  If you received this email, then you are already in our database and do NOT need to register, even if you have never logged into the new web site. If you have never logged into the new website, click "forgot password" in the login box at the top-right of the home page.  If you do not remember what email address you gave us, it's THIS one.  (Yeah, yeah...go ahead and laugh.)

    5. PayPal Not Your Pal?

    We have had several people alarmed by the fact that they were sent to a PayPal page to process online payment.  This is ABI's chosen method of collecting payments online and does NOT require you have a PayPal account yourself.  Once you are directed to ABI's PayPal page, you still have the option to pay by credit or debit card.  You do NOT need to create a PayPal account.

    If PayPal will not accept the credit card you are trying to use, it may be because you have a PayPal account yourself and have that credit card number listed under your account.  (This is one of the ways PayPal protects against attempted fraud.) You will need to either (1) use your PayPal account to use that particular credit card or (2) use a different credit card.

    6.  Raffle and Auction Items

    We are in need of items to raffle and auction at the reunion. We rely 100% on donated items, so we definitely need your help and involvement. Surely you have some Saudi/Aramco stuff taking up space in your attic or garage which no longer fits your decor, or you have too many duplicates and not enough room. Why not consider donating them to this worthwhile and entertaining event? 

    Contact to offload your stuff for a good cause, knowing that it is going to a good home to be proudly displayed and enjoyed. If you could include an image of the item, that would be appreciated as well.

    Shukran and see you in May!

    Marie Littlejohn-Dunn DH'77
    ABI President
    for the
    ABI Board

  • 17 Jan 2011 10:11 PM | Deleted user

    In this announcement:

    1. Reunion Registration Is Now Live!
    2. Unexpected, Bratty Surprises
    3. Improve Your Brat Connections

    1. Reunion Registration Is Now Live!
    The moment you all have been waiting for has finally arrived!  We are happy to announce that you can start registering to attend the reunion this May.  Just log in to the ABI website and REGISTER! Please read the explanation of fees, payment options, and cancellation fees before registering.

    A few notes before you rush over:

    • You must be either a Supporting or Sustaining Member for the registration function to be enabled, so if you haven't upgraded your membership (paid your administrative baksheesh), you must do this first. Once you log in to the site, instructions for doing this are on the Main Gate page.
    • You are not fully registered until full payment has been received.
    • Even if you reside in the Dallas area and are only planning on attending one day at the hotel, you still must register and pay the reunion fees. The fees cover much, much more than just the banquet and goodie bag.

    If you have issues regarding the website or registration process, please contact Dawn.

    Questions about the reunion itself should be directed to

    2. Unexpected, "Bratty" Surprises
    In 2009, we received an incredible, anonymous donation in the amount of $5,000 from a Ras Tanura brat.  The donor specified that the money be "used for the reunion."  At the time we received this donation, the reunion budget and registration fee had already been set.  The LA Committee choose to use the money to provide appetizers at the Friday Night Opening Reception which was not (and never has been) included in the reunion budget.

    This very generous supporter has surprised us again with another $5,000 contribution to be used for the Dallas reunion.  The money has been applied to the reunion budget to provide entertainment for the Sunday night dance and help defray costs of rental equipment for the Canteen (i.e. garage band equipment, games, juke box). This has allowed us to reduce the registration fee by $7.14 per attendee. Wow!!!

    Amazing things "do" happen when you least expect it.  Our sincere thanks to this RT brat!!!

    3. Improve Your Brat Connections
    Did you know you can now add your high school and college to your member profile. Both can be used as search terms in the directory, so you can find fellow alumni. This is a new feature, so have a little patience - it will take a while for enough people to update their profiles with their school info. While you're updating your profile, why not list the URL of your facebook page as your website?  Help your long, lost friends find you on facebook!

    Shukran and see you in May!

    Marie Littlejohn-Dunn DH'77
    ABI President
    for the
    ABI Board

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