AramcoBrats, Inc.


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  • 30 Jun 2012 11:07 AM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    Did you know that, in addition to the award-winning publicationSaudi Aramco World, ASC's Publications Group produces a feature magazine for retirees?

    Al-Ayyam Al-Jamila ("Pleasant Days') is published semi-annually and contains feature articles on reunions, retirees and their families, and other information about the company. This special-interest magazine helps old friends "stay connected" -- both from years past and the present.

    A high percentage of retirees in North America currently receive the magazine, yet the company would like to increase the circulation worldwide. The magazine is not only for retirees, but also for family members and friends of Saudi Aramco.

    Join the campaign to generate interest! Visit the ASC Web site to learn more about Al-Ayyam Al-Jamilah. To subscribe, email in ASC Public Affairs.
  • 02 Apr 2012 11:03 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
     The board would like to hear your feedback on the directory CDs published last term.  This is the first time we have published and distributed the directory in PDF format which is significantly less expensive than a paper copy.  At the same time, we have also gone to an online directory which is as up-to-date as each individual brat keeps it and is available 24/7.  To put it another way, as soon as we dump the database and burn to CD, it's out of date!

    You can guess how we feel about the directory CDs, but we'd like to here from you guys!  Tell us what you think by voting in the poll or leaving your thoughts in the feedback forum.

  • 27 Mar 2012 9:02 AM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    In this Issue:
    Hard at Work

    Your Reunion Committee has been hard at work planning our next get together.  Erica Ryrholm DH72 (Chair), John Prugh RT66, Colette Philip DH69, Hirath Ghori DH75, and Alex RT74 and Donna Yiannakakis (spouse)  want you to know they are... (more)

    Reunion Raffle Treasures

    What to Do with Those Former Treasures?

    The reunion is quickly approaching us, with just over a year until we are gathered in Tucson.  Do you have some old treasures from Arabia that you want...(more)

    Exciting AdBak News!

    At the beginning of each new term, ABI's board finalizes financials for the preceding fiscal year and sets a new budget for the full, 2-year term.  Part of this budgeting process is to review all our our non-reunion income and expenses, estimate...(more)

    Get the Herd Together!

    You may have noticed a few Brat-sponsored events listed on ABI's calendar over the past year.  Several were in conjunction with the Dallas reunion, but others were completely independent, like the Las...(more)

    In Case You Missed It... 

    Here are some interesting items you may have missed:

    * PUSH Tunisia *   * Distant Arabia Videos *

    New on Facebook

    If you haven't visited ABI's Facebook page in a while, we recently converted to the new "timeline" format which features a "cover" photo across the top.  This is a great place to show off photos that capture the spirit of being a Brat, like those that were ...(more)


    ABI's online directory is available 24/7 to those who have paid their Adbak. 

    Let us know if anything changes!
    Q4 2011 Financials

    Our latest financial statements (through the end of the previous quarter) are available for your viewing pleasure. 




    Follow Us: 
    New in the Suq:
    Ghutra Pens & Mouse-pads make excellent gifts for grads, moms, & dads. Online Suq 24/7 Shopping

     ABI Board:
  • 03 Jan 2012 10:44 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    Saudi Aramco’s King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture has joined hands with the Saudi Commission for Tourism & Antiquities (SCTA) to encourage the donation and return of Saudi Arabian archeological artifacts currently in private collections around the world.

    Saudi Aramco signed an agreement with the SCTA on Dec. 26 to cooperate in recovering valuable heritage artifacts. “The antiquities are national treasure and all efforts to recover them are highly appreciated,” said Prince Sultan ibn Salman, SCTA chairman.

    In a letter to retirees, Mae Mozaini, director of Public Affairs at Aramco Services Company in Houston, Texas, said that Aramcons and their dependents had, over the decades, developed a number of collections of Saudi antiquities, large and small, often motivated by a desire to preserve them for posterity. “Saudi Aramco and the SCTA are deeply grateful to all who have rescued and preserved antiquities of the Kingdom,” she said.

    She said that Saudi Aramco is extending a special invitation to all who haveundefinedor think they may haveundefinedsuch artifacts to consider donating them to the National Museum in Riyadh. The types of artifacts sought are not related to Aramco, but rather they are objects of national historical interest, with an emphasis on pre-Islamic archeological objects.

    In return, donors of significant items will receive a Certificate of Appreciation from Saudi Aramco’s president and CEO, and be named, with the artifacts they donated, on a plaque displayed at the Center.

    They will also be invited to attend a ceremony of thanks in Riyadh, planned for February 11-13, 2012, followed by a tour of major sites of archeological interest. The ceremony will coincide with the annual National Heritage Festival at Janadriyah, which will include an exhibition of recovered antiquities at the National Museum in Riyadh.

    Those who believe they haveundefinedor may haveundefinedobjects that could qualify for a “homecoming” to the Kingdom’s museums, are asked to please do the following before Jan. 16, 2012:

    1. Take a photo or two of the object(s);
    2. E-mail the photo(s) with a brief description of each object, including its provenance, if known, to: (or by regular mail: Arthur Clark, Aramco Services Company, MS 546, 9009 West Loop South, Houston, TX 77096).

    Donations of significant artifacts will be accepted after Jan. 16, but to be considered to attend the recognition ceremony in Riyadh, individuals must send photos and information about artifacts before that date.

    For more information, please visit the following links:

  • 01 Dec 2011 8:17 PM | Gina Hess-Tanner
    You may begin making your reservations today.  The group reservation site for the Westin La Paloma, site of the 14th biennial reunion, is up and running. Please note that we will again be having a drawing for comp rooms, so be sure to read the information provided carefully and get your name in the hat! 
  • 01 Nov 2011 7:29 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    We have a full board of directors for this term!  There are a few new faces that we are happy to have on board and look forward to working with.  Gina Hess-Tanner is joining us in an appointed position as Publications Director.  Many of you may remember her from the 2011 Dallas reunion committee where she was a huge help!  Annie joins us as Director at Large in charge of nominations. She has performed ABI audits in in the past, and while we were most appreciative, we hope serving on the board will be much more fun and rewarding for her!
    Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (DH77) President
    Penny Dougharty-Maher (DH72) Vice President
    Tom Littlejohn (DH84) Treasurer
    Andrew Bobb (DH74) Secretary
    Diane Knipfel-Adams (AB75) Reunion Oversight Director
    Gina Hess-Tanner (AB76) Publications Director
    Dawn Kolb  (DH92) Website Director
    Duane Hopple (RT79) Database Director
    Robin Payne White (DH59) Class Representative Director
    Diana Ryrholm-Geerdes (RT62) DAL (contracts)
    Annie Oskam (DH74) DAL (nominations) 
    Looks like we have another great team!

  • 31 Oct 2011 8:09 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    It's hard to believe that we have reached the end of the 2009-2011 term and even harder to believe that we will be saying ma'assalama to some valuable board members who have all served multiple terms. Randa Owen-Williams (VP), Mike Simms (Publications Directory), and Kim Zinszer (Secretary) will be leaving us. *sniff*  I'd like to thank them personally for their many hours (or years?) of service to the Brats and all the ideas, opinions and humor they brought to the board.  You have all been a pleasure to work with and will definitely be missed!


    Marie Littlejohn Dunn

  • 28 Sep 2011 8:39 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    In this Issue:
    2013 Reunion Announcement

    Thanks to eagle-eyed Annie Oskam, who spotted a tell-tale book title in a Facebook teaser photo, the cat is out of the bag for the 14th Biennial AramcoBrat Reunion! ABI is pleased to confirm that the 2013 reunion will return to one of our favorite... (more)

    Reunion Auction Extravaganza!

    Every summer should have a kickoff as exciting as our Brat Reunion was in Dallas.  And the excitement of seeing old friends and making new ones during the...(more)

    AramcoBrats in Arab News

    Arab News recently published an article in their "Life and Style" section about Aramco Brats.  Entitled "Isolation and Adventures in Arabia" by Aisha Al Hajjar, the article gives a brief description of the Brat phenomenon and some insights as to what that has meant... (more)

    Mother-of-All Brat Slideshows

    Those of you who attended the reunion in Dallas may recall the "Mother-of-All Brat Slideshows" that played Saturday evening on the wall by the Fairmont's pool.  Photographs for the slideshow were (more)

    The Sidewalks of Dhahran 

    James Davidson (RT '67), who currently works for Saudi Aramco in Dhahran, recently posted an item in the Bratboard forum about an interesting new hobby. On his walks about camp, he has found marks of Brats that have stood the test of time, frozen in the sidewalks...(more)

    ABI Secretary Position

    Erica Ryrholm, our Secretary-elect, has agreed to chair the 2013 reunion in Tucson. She will, therefore, be ineligible to serve on the Board for the 2011-2013 term...(more)

    Reunion Photos from Eyecatch Designs

    Eyecatch Designs reunion photo gallery expired on 8/31.  You can no longer order prints from Eyecatch Designs, but you can still view web-sized images, including the fun "photo booth" shots, in our Flickr album.

    Show Us Your Pics! 

    Have you checked out the Dallas Reunion photo album on Flickr?  There are already more than 400 pictures to view!  Thanks to those who have already shared their photos with everyone, but we'd love to see...(more)

    Q2 2011 Financials

    Our latest financial statements (through the end of the previous quarter) are available for your viewing pleasure. 



    Follow Us: 
    New in the Suq:
    Check out the newest items in the online Suq:  Dallas reunion sports towels, ghutra print pens and mouse pads!

     ABI Board:
  • 20 Sep 2011 11:58 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    Thanks to eagle-eyed Annie Oskam, who spotted a tell-tale book title in a facebook teaser photo, the cat is out of the bag for the 14th Biennial AramcoBrat Reunion!

    ABI is pleased to confirm that the 2013 reunion will return to one of our favorite reunion cities – 

    Tucson,  AZ!   We are able to go back to  Tucson  thanks to the commitment of some true blue brats.  Erica Ryrholm DH72, John Prugh RT66, Colette Philip DH69, Hirath Ghori, DH75, and Alex RT74 and Donna Yiannakakis have selflessly stepped forward to ensure that we will have another fantastic reunion in 2013.   Please be generous with your gratitude to all of these fine brats.  Without people like them, the reunions would not happen. 

    The ink has barely dried on the contract, so we still have a few things to do before we can share the exact location.  As soon as we are set up for reservations, we’ll let you in on the rest of the secret.  Watch ABI's websitefacebook pagetweets and your e-mail inbox for further information.

    See you in Tucson!,


  • 30 Jul 2011 10:47 AM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
    In this Issue:
    Dallas by the Numbers

    The 13th biennial reunion in Dallas was, judging from the smiles and laughter, a great success.  There were many of the same, old regulars and plenty of first-timers.  The venue was superb for socializing and soaking up that end-of-spring Texas sun (and wind?!), for enjoying our very own outdoor (more)
    A Class (AB '65) Act

    (The story of how a "missing" Brat discovered AramcoBrats, Inc, tracked down other missing classmates, became Class Representative, doubled the number of her classmates in the database, and rallied her class to attend what would be her first reunion in Dallas.) (more)

    The Votes Are In

    The ABI Board would like to thank all of you who voted . . . voting matters.  It is important for the Board to operate under officers chosen by the collective wisdom of all Brats.  So again, a big "shukran" to all of you who voted! (more)

    Order Reunion Class and Group Photos

    If you forgot to order you class or group photo at the reunion, you can still do so online.  EyeCatch Designs image gallery will be available online through August 31, 2011.

     AramcoBrats Reunion 2011
    Passcode: abrats2011

    Photo booth images are also available.

    Upcoming Events

    2011 Florida Mini-Reunion - Nov. 6, 2011
    2012 Saudi Aramco Annuitants Reunion - Oct. 5, 2012
    14th Biennial AramcoBrat Reunion - May 23-27, 2013

    Show Us Your Pics! 

    Have you checked out the Dallas Reunion photo album on Flickr?  There are already more than 400 pictures to view!  Thanks to those who have already shared their photos with everyone, but we'd love to see even more.  (Don't think we don't see all those fabulous photos on facebook!) 

     Q1 2011 Financials

    Our latest financial statements (through the end of the previous quarter) are available for your viewing pleasure.

    Extra Special Donor Shukran

    We would like to thank the following Brats for donating beyond the suggested AdBak amount this term. Your generosity helps keep the ABI going! Donations are...(more)



    Follow Us: 
    New in the Suq:
    Check out the newest items in the online Suq:reunion-logo coffee mugs, ghutra print pens and mouse pads!

     ABI Board:

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