AramcoBrats, Inc.


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  • 21 Mar 2015 8:56 AM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)


    Commissary Highlights Bulletin for March 10, 1979: Corn meal and grits!  Mmmm!  A little history on corn meal, a recipe for Corn Bread Tamale Pie, and veggies grown fresh in Al-Hasa.

  • 20 Mar 2015 3:52 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    Soon we will be printing ballots for our Biennial ABI Board elections and sending them out to all Brats for voting.  We will elect a new President, Vice president, Treasurer and Secretary to serve the Brats for the term from Nov. 1, 2015 - Oct. 31, 2017.

    Do YOU have an interest in serving the Brats as a member of the Board?

    Do YOU have special skills and abilitites which would be useful in shepherding this diverse and special group?

    If "YES" is your answer, go to the nominations page on our website and let us hear from you!  We need all nominations and candidate statements by April 17th, 2015 in order to include them in the ballot mailer!

    Questions? Need to know more about the elected offices? Contact ABI's Nominations Committee.
  • 20 Mar 2015 3:28 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    Yalla, y'all! The early registration deadline is just around the corner!  You must be fully registered (i.e. paid in full) by March 31st, midnight CDT to get the $85 early registration rate.  Late registration (after March 31st) and walk-ins will be $105.  We cannot guarantee availability of goodie bags and contents for late registrations and walk-ins.

    Still not sure about attending? This is a great setting, and we're expecting a huge turnout, so we hope you'll join us!

    Some other important dates for you:

    March 31, 2015 - Reunion Gift Certificate Raffle: Cut-off date for raffle purchase is midnight (CDT) on March 31, 2015. At that time you MUST have a hotel reservation and MUST have paid your registration for the reunion in full (no exceptions and no refunds).

    March 31, 2015 - Last day to cancel and receive FULL refund of registration fees.

    April 1 - May 17, 2015(CDT) - PARTIAL refunds will be given if you cancel between these dates.**
    No refunds after May 17, 2015 (CDT).**

    **If you registered and only want to cancel a sporting event:
    April 19, 2015 (CDT) - Final day to cancel for a full refund
    After April 19, 2015 - 90% refund or substitutions can be arranged.
    May 15, 2015 (CDT) - Final day to cancel for a full refund
    After May 15, 2015 (CDT) - NO REFUNDS, you may find someone to replace and reimburse you directly.

  • 13 Mar 2015 4:03 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    Our 3 correspondents all made it "home" and have been busy reviving childhood memories and making new ones.

    The easiest way to follow their adventures is on ABI's Facebook page where we are sharing their posts and travel blog entries.

    If you are not a Facebook user, you can still follow via these 2 travel blogs:

     - Diane Christofferson:
     - Crystal Uecker Maxwell (and sister, Brandie):

    Lastly, a KSAReunion Flickr photo pool has also been set up by the reunion committee for attendees to share their photos.  You should not need an account to view.

    We are very appreciative of these Brats for sharing their photos and stories with us.  Leave them comments in their blogs to let them know they put a smile on your face...or brought a tear to your eye, in some cases.

    Shukran, ladies, for the daily jogs down Memory Lane!

  • 07 Mar 2015 12:21 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    We were hoping for one but found 3 Brat KSA Reunion attendees who are happy to share their travel experiences with us via Facebook or travel blogs!  Meet our fabulous correspondents who will soon be back in Kingdom.:

    Crystal Uecker-Maxwell (DH '91)

    How many years has it been since you were last in Saudi Arabia?
    Last time in kingdom was in 1999, so it's been 15 years. My parents were there from 1980-2000. I went to the Dhahran Main Camp schools from k-9, and my 9th grade yr was during the Gulf War - Desert Storm.
    What made you decide to attend the KSA Reunion?
    My sister and I are traveling together along with my dad. My sister and I travel a lot together, so one of us suggested it and the other said sure, it's just what we do.
    What are you most looking forward to seeing again? My old house, the neighborhood, the schools...and gold shopping in Khobar. I'm also looking forward to seeing for the first time Shaybah, which my dad was the project manager on when there was nothing but desert, and Madain Saleh. Petra in Jordan has been on my list to see, so this will be close.
    Strangest thing someone has asked you to bring back from your trip?
    No one has asked me to bring back anything!
    Lisa Jacobs (DH '81)
    How many years has it been since you were last in Saudi Arabia?
    I left in July 1982 and have not been back since.
    What made you decide to attend the KSA Reunion?
    I have always wanted to go back, but I've been interested even more since hearing stories from others like Gary Barnes and Diana Lynn who attended previous reunions.
    What are you most looking forward to seeing again?
    I'm looking forward to seeing my old house, 1175, on the corner of 11th and 8th Streets in Dhahran, but in general to walking around camp to the library, theater, snack bar and other old haunts. I want to see the Big Rock at the school.
    Strangest thing someone has asked you to bring back from your trip?
    Bahraini pearls.

    Diane Christofferson (DH '74)

    How many years has it been since you were last in Saudi Arabia?
    I went to the 2000 reunion but left as a child in 1969 (age 11). So 15 years since reunion visit and 46 years since last lived there.

    What made you decide to attend the KSA Reunion?
    I wanted to go home again. The 2000 reunion was so wonderful and I know this one will be also. This one I think there will be a lot more Brats my age attending - can't wait to see them.

    What are you most looking forward to seeing again?
    My old house 810-J Street. The desert - all of it. The beach and the Persian Gulf.

    Strangest thing someone has asked you to bring back from your trip?
    A hookah pipe.

    Safe travels, ladies!  We are all looking forward to your travel reports and pictures!

  • 03 Mar 2015 9:18 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)


    In the mood for some early spring cleaning? Don't forget about the reunion raffle, silent and live auctions as you're sifting through that clutter. Recycle those old and odd pieces of Arabia and Aramco memorabilia that you no longer have use or room for! Shoot us an email at, and we'll give you more details on where to send them.

    Shukran! Your donations are a fun and entertaining way to support ABI!

  • 02 Mar 2015 9:32 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

     Sid on Southwest       

    We're looking for one or more correspondents for the upcoming KSA Reunion who might like to share their most excellent adventures and/or photos with the entire Brat community. We can provide a blog, post updates from emails, link to photos in an album, share FB posts, or whatever works for you. 

    Best of all, there are no deadlines, words minimum, or requirement that you post daily. You can do your own thing. In fact, if you would rather put something together after you return home and recover, that will work, too!  The only thing we ask is that the content be appropriate for a very broad audience. 

    So...if you are planning a travel blog or reporting in to friends via Facebook and don't mind widening your audience a bit to include the rest of us, sadly stuck at home instead of rediscovering "home," please contact us!
  • 02 Mar 2015 7:47 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    #2: We can’t promise you gold, tape stores or prayer calls….but this reunion has Arab food covered!    

    Houston boasts some of the most international cuisine, creative restaurant venues and award-winning chefs in the United States. If you don't believe us, check out this short list of "who's who" for chefs and "top ten/best of" for restaurants choices.

    But we know, when Brats get together, they want to indulge in the Middle Eastern delicacies that bring back their childhood memories of living in Saudi. You are in luck because just in the “Galleria” area (near the Omni Houston Hotel) there are 23 Middle Eastern/Mediterranean restaurants to choose from – featuring authentic shawarma, sambusak, falafel, kibbeh, hummus, baba ghanoush, tabouleh, kofta, meze plates, etc. Is your mouth watering yet? And these restaurants are well priced and a quick Uber ride from the Omni Hotel.

    If you like to smoke shisha and share a hookah like old times, many of these restaurants provide lots of flavorful options on their outside decks.

    Check out one of our favorite links for locating different types of cuisine while you are staying in Houston.

  • 23 Feb 2015 8:49 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    If you would like to be on standby for rooms at the Omni Houston Hotel, please sign up for the Omni Houston Hotel Standby List.

    As rooms become available at the Omni, we will offer them to reunion registrants in the order in which they have signed up for this standby list.

    There are no guarantees we can accommodate everyone on the standby list. We recommend you make alternative arrangements for your stay which can be canceled if/when a room becomes available at the Omni.

  • 21 Feb 2015 6:23 PM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)

    Another Dhahran Women's Group cookbook to share!: "Crossroads, A Collection of Recipes." Published in 1992, it is a tribute to the cultural melting pots that were our Aramco communities and contains brief chapters of herbs, spices, and their history.  From the forward:  

    "We have all traveled many roads in order to arrive at the Crossroads in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.  Hence, there is much heritage and tradition behind all the culinary delights included in this cookbook.  You will find unique and unusual recipes from around the world in Crossroads.

    Whatever the regional origin of the foods, the recipes in Crossroads will bring you the delights of new tastes and new personalities.  The recipes included here are for foods with mood, personality and season."

    Download your copy and enjoy a delicious trip down memory lane!

    Sahtein! Saha wa aafiyah!  

    Good health! Bon appetit!

    Click on the cookbook cover to download (PDF).

    20.6 Mb
    • Spice Crossroads
    • Herbs and Spices
    • Handy Substitutes
    • Measuring Up
    • Soups 
    • Salads
    • Meat Entrees
    • Poultry Entrees
    • Seafood Entrees
    • Egg, Cheese and Vegetarian Entrees
    • Side Dishes
    • Breads
    • Desserts

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