AramcoBrats, Inc.

It's A Small World...

12 Jun 2013 8:35 AM | Gina Hess-Tanner

This story is for Sami Juraifani, who loves "It's a small world" stories.  Love you Sami!

Three years ago, when I had an idea for a business and started designing and planning it, I had a mental image for my logo.  The catch was that it had to be hand drawn and not computer generated.

I tried a few professionals, but all they gave me were computer generated images that I didn't want.  I finally sent e-mails to several art teachers at Conroe High School, one of whom e-mailed me back and agreed to meet with me and see if she could draw my logo.

I went to the high school after school hours one day and met Kristine, an attractive young woman.  We talked about the logo and she agreed to draw it.  About this time, I notice that she is wearing an Arabic name necklace, so I ask her where she got it.  She says "I grew up in Saudi Arabia".  You all know how the conversation went from there!

That's how I met Kristine Buck-Canestorp, DH 91, in Conroe, TX.  And, she is the artist who drew my
company logo.  What a small world!

Gail R. Gantt
RT 75

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