Looking For a Few Good BRATS!

Looking For a Few Good BRATS!
Interested in volunteering for the ABI Board of Directors?  You may not realize it, but ABI is run by Brats just like you.  Future officers and volunteers are needed for the 2025-2027 term.  Submit your nomination online by the deadline of April 15, 2025.  

Elected Positions
The following positions will be elected by popular vote June 28, 2025:
Appointed Positions
The following positions are appointed by the elected officers on November 1, 2025:​ Responsibilities for board positions are outlined here.  Most volunteer work is done via conference call and/or by email over approximately 1-3 hours per month.  Time commitments and meeting frequencies increase as the planning cycle approached the date of the Bi-Annual Brat Reunion.

To be considered for any of the positions above, submit your nomination online by April 15, 2025.  If you are interested in learning more about becoming an ABI Board Member or volunteering in a short-term capacity, please contact nominations@aramco-brats.com.