AramcoBrats, Inc.

Egyptian Stuffed Peppers

  • 21 Jan 2013 2:01 AM
    Message # 1184621

    This recipe was given to me by our neighbor "Fifi Formby" a beautiful Egyptian woman that lived next door to us.  


    Rice (I use the minute rice)

    Hamburger meat

    Salt, Pepper, Garlic, Parsley, & Dill weed

    Plain yogurt

    Tomato Sauce

    Cut the top of the peppers, clean them out with water, and cull out any debris inside.

    Salt the insides of the peppers and place them to the side. In large bowl mix together rice,pepper, garlic, parsley & dill weed. Then fold in the meat. Mix well evenly.  Stuff into each pepper.  After stuffing each pepper put one finger in the center of the pepper making a hole in each one (to be filled with tomato sauce)  Place all stuffed peppers in large pot.  Pour tomato sauce over each pepper filling each hole and covering each pepper.  Pour more sauce in between the peppers and add water.  Make sure there is plenty of liquid (almost to the entire top).  Boil on top of stove for about 1 hour on simmer.  When done garnish pepper with tomatos sauce and plain yogurt.

    Enjoy!  It is delicious!  Make sure you put the yogurt on the pepper.... yum!



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